Chapter 34

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Rae's POV

It's now Friday, after sitting with Demi for a little bit, the other day, we had dinner and watched a movie. I fell asleep half way through the movie and woke up in my room with Demi holding me. It's been a good few days, I haven't had anymore moments at school or home. We have been staying at mine and James'.

Right now all Seniors going on the trip are in the gym listening to the principal talking. We have been hearing the same crap all week and I am board of it. I am sitting with my friends and they are all talking around me. I am trying to be good and listen but sometimes the temptation is to much.  

I look down at the gym floor, as we are sitting in the stand, and I make eye contact with Demi and she is already watching me. Me and her talked about how annoyed I was about hearing this crap last night so I am sure she is waiting for me to misbehave.

I look down the row and see my math teacher giving me an idea. I was in her class when they told us to come to the gym. I wave to her and she raises an eyebrow. I push my way through people to her. 

"Yes, Rae, what do you need?" She ask smiling sweetly at me, she is probably my favorite teacher other than Demi in this whole school. 

"I forgot my phone in your class, may I go get it?" I lie. My phone is in my bag because I don't have pockets. She nods handing me her keys. 

I smile widely at her before quietly going down the stairs and heading for the door. I see Demi watching me but she can't stop me because I got permission. I quietly open and close the gym door before heading off to her classroom. On the way there I run into Maddie.

"Rae!" She yells quietly to get my attetion even though I already see her.

"Hey!" I exclaim smiling at her. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"I am going to the library, how come you aren't in the senior meeting? Demi said she was making sure you went." She says confused.

"Oh, I was but, I got bored so 'I am going to get my phone from the classroom because I forgot it.'" I explain put up quotation marks. She laughs making me laugh for a few minutes then we go our separate ways. Just as I get to the class I hear an alarm going off and i look around to see people rushing out of the building and the lights star flashing. 

"Fuck!" I whisper yell releasing it is a fire alarm. Hoping it's just a stupid kid pulled the alarm I run toward to closest door. I pull out my phone to text Demi but it is dead. 

I look around to see a whole bunch of teachers I don't recognize. I realize all the teachers I know are in the meeting or on the other end on the school. I look around to see a bunch of freshman around me and keep calm. 

After 20 minutes of the insanely annoying sound it stops but no one is aloud to go in yet. 

"Student missing." I hear a voice over a administrators (That I have never met) radio, another 20 minutes later, that they are required to have in these situations.  "Student name: Rae Adams" The voice says again. 

"When was the last time she was seen?" The man says in reply. 

"She was sent to a classroom to get her phone during the senior meeting but no one here has her accounted for." I hear the voice say but this time it was muffled. 

They are going to think I did this, I know they will, what am I gonna do?

"Rae Adam, please report to the front of the school, I repeat, Rae Adams please report to the front of the school." The female voice of the office secretary comes through the speaker sounding very concerned. 

I start walking around the school trying to stay calm but I know I am gonna be in trouble. As I walk I start to see people I recognize and they all stare at me. Once at the front I push the button letting the people know I am outside. The door is unlocked and I walk in, when the door opens I see the principal standing against the front desk and a student guy with sitting in a chair near him. Demi is also standing in there because she didn't have a class to teach this period. There's my teacher and I slowly hand her, her keys. 

I look back at the principal who is looking at me. 

"I know how this looks, but I swear to you I just went to get my phone. I don't have pockets today  and I forgot it on my desk. I didn't have anything to do with anything." I say quickly trying to get it out before anyone can get mad. 

I suddenly feel arms around me and I look to see Demi holding me. I hug her back knowing she is upset but I am not sure why.

"Thank god." She whispers kissing my head holding me some more. 

"Miss Adams, we know it wasn't you that isn't why you are here We were all genuinely worried when no one had you accounted for." The principal explains. 

"Oh, I was just outside with a bunch of freshman." I say and Demi finally pulls away checking me from any wounds I guess. "Miss Lovato, I am fine, really." But she doesn't let up making me tun around to look some more. "What is going on?!?" I say confused and fustrated.

"This boy is a senoir and was with the senior class which is why it took so long to figure out someone missing. It took miss Lovato to say you weren't there and a teacher not recognizing him." The principal says point to Demi and then to my Math teacher.

"Oh." I say.

"Are you okay, like really okay? No panic attacks? Nothing?" Demi say making me look back at her.

"Demi." I say turning around and looking her dead in the eye. "I am fine. I didn't have a panic attack or anything. I was just getting my phone so I walked out with every one else but is was with freshman and I don't know those teachers." I explain again. "I tried to call you but my phone died because I didn't charge it. I told you that in the car this morning. Just take a breath everyone is fine." She looks at me for a few more seconds before nodding and letting me go.

"Okay, now that that is settled tell everyone to go back to class." The principal tells the secretary. "I want the seniors back in the gym for the rest of the meeting and we will dismiss from there." He continues instructing her. "And I want this students mother called. He is gonna face punishment."

With that she makes the announcement and every one starts walking into the school. I watch from inside the office as people walk in and head back to class. Once the hall is clear Demi, My teacher and I all walk back to the Gym and Demi is going to finish.

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