Chapter 33

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Rae's POV

"It all started when I got out of the hospital and James was tying up loose ends before taking responsibility over me and I didn't have anywhere else to be sent..." I say and they both nod. "The two weeks before you could get to me, James, I spent time at a foster home." I explain and he knew that happened so it was more for Demi.

"Wait, I thought you went straight with James?" She says completely confused.

"No, James had to take care of stuff before he could come back." I explain and she shakes her head slowly try to to understand. "Anyway, I was in a house with a man and a woman." Flashes of memories cross my mind so I take a deep breath before continuing and Demi puts her hand on my shoulder. "They seemed nice so the social worker left me there, thing is though she didn't know these people and she didn't stay long enough to see what happened be hind closed doors." I say as a tear starts to fall down my face. "The first couple of days where good but then I went back to school for the first time and when I got back to the house it started. Th-the-they would b-b-be-beat me." I sob and Demi pulls my face into her lap. "That's really hour I broke my ribs. They didn't miss anything on the first visit" I say through sobs hoping they understands. 

Demi's hand rubs my back and I try to calm down. After about 5 minutes of just sobbing I start to run out of tears and I just sniffle. I look over and James and he looks devastated as he stares into space. Then, I look up at Demi to see her already look at me she had a look of admiration in her eyes which confuses me but I don't say anything.

"How... why... how did... why didn't you tell anyone?" James asks completely lost sounding and looking the same.

"I just told you two." I say as if it was the stupidest thing he could say.

"But why not sooner, she could have taken you out of the house, they should be in jail!" He yells the last part look between Demi and I standing up.

"They are." I whisper.

He freezes looking at me. "What?"

"Well after I left and came to live with you they put a little girl in that house. One day I saw him acting like he was gonna hit her so I called the cops and they caught them before they did much damage. They social worker came by one day to talk to you about it but you weren't here so she told me. I just never told you." I admit to him. 

"Why? I just can't understand you tell me everything." He says sitting back down. 

"I swear, it's just because after everything I just wanted life to be normal, I wanted us to focus on living together without our parents. I didn't ever wanna think about this again but when Joey hit me everything came rushing back I did don't at first because I did have flash backs just every one scared me except Demi and you." I sigh. "I am sorry for not telling you, I thought I had moved on, I wanted to have moved on but here I am have nightmare agian." I say defeated as he still looks upset.

"Baby, why don't you give us a second to talk?"  Demi suggested and I know she wants to go talk to James so I nod and walk off to my room but not before apologizing agian first.

I walk to my room and leave the door slightly open, so I can hear. I know they are gonna talk about me but I hope it is nothing bad.

"James?" Demi asks softly.

"Yeah?" His deep voice responds.

"Are you okay? Do you need water or anything your looking a little pale?" Demi asks seeming to be trying to help but if I know my brother he won't let her help.

"No, Demi, I am fine. I just don't understand how am I supposed to live with myself knowing she had to go through that because I didn't wanna just throw away a semester of school? I chose to stay those two weeks to finish my semester of school. I mean she told me I should but because I listen she got beat. How can I live with that?" He whisper yelled.

"I don't know but you gotta be strong for her right now. She needs you, she has always needed you and you have always been there. I am sure she got through all of that knowing you'd be on the other side. She needs you to be there this time too. I don't think she will make it through alone this time. I will be here as long as she wants me here, that still won't keep me away but I will try if thats really what she wants, you though you are her big brother she NEEDS you way more than she needs me." I hear sniffling from both of them. 

"I know she needs me just like she needed me then and I wasn't there." She says sounding completely defeated. 

"Did you not hear anything I said? YOU Have always been there for here even when you weren't by here side. That girl in there has gone through a lot in here 18 years of life and who has always been there? YOU!" You can hear the frustration in her voice. "YOU were there when y'all were younger, YOU were there when your parents died, YOU were there when she need a place to be sent, YOU were there when she had panic attacks or lashed out, and YOU were there anytime she just needed someone to be there even when it interfered with other things. I wish I could say you could go back in time and stop it before it happened but you can't. So get over yourself and be there for her, just like she'd be there for you, or me if we needed her. Right now she needs us." She says and I can hear her voice crack as she says the next part of her speech. "She need to make sure who she is doesn't change. She is still that same little girl you brought to the school carnival Senior year who looked at you as if you made the world spin. I may not have know her then or meet her 'til recently but now that I know you and her better. You are her world. I may be in her world but you are her world and you probably always will be."

At this point my eyes are tearing up because almost everything she said is true. The only thing that she got wrong is that they are both my world. My life would be goo with one or the other but it would never be prefect without both.

"Now, I am gonna go Make sure she is okay then we are gonna have dinner and watch a movie." She states and I hear a quiet agreement from James. 

I quickly jump on my bed putting in my hear buds blasting music into my ears so she thinks I haven't been listening. Then I see the door slowly opening and when Demi see me she softly smiles to which I give her a really big smile pulling out my ear buds.

"HI!" I say loudly making her laugh.

"Hi babe." She says walking over and sitting on the bed in front of me before laying her head on my lap looking up at me. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?"

"I don't think so?" I say as more of a question smiling down at her. 

"Well you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my entire life." She says smiling up at me making me giggle and blush. 

Thank you, I love you." I reply.

"I love you, too baby." 

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