Chapter 40

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Rae's POV

We are at the movie theater and I am sitting between Demi and Mrs. Lowry as "punishment for being rude to the other student's". Elle and Savi are sitting behind me and every now and then Elle lend forward and whispers jokes about 'stupid adults' to me. I fake laugh every time but really it kinda upsets me because she is the reason we are in this situation. She woke us up before Demi was ready and now that I think about it they woke us up before I was ready. So, at the hotel it was a joke but now I am starting to get tired and and there is nothing I can do about it.

I start to feel my eyelids get heavier and I let out yawn. I quickly stand up and leave the theatre heading to the bathroom. When I get there there I throw cold water on my face to wake myself up. Once I feel like I am awake enough I start heading back to the theatre.

When I get back I sit back down next to Demi and Mrs. Lowry.

"Are you okay" Mrs. Lowry whispers.

"Yes, ma'am," I start smiling over at her. "Just need to wake up a little. I didn't sleep well last night."

"I am sorry sweetie. I hope tonight goes better" She whispers back.

"It's okay, Mrs. Lowry. Things happen." I whisper shrugging and we both turn back to the movie.

I start to feel my eyelids get heavy again during a slow part in the movie and my body start to lean towards Demi.

"Sweetheart, Do you need to go back to the hotel after lunch?" I hear Demi whisper as my head reaches her shoulder. "You can stay there while everyone is running around the park" She whisper and I shake my head no. 

I feel  my eyes close completely but I don't feel asleep. You know, when you are awake but not awake at the same time? Where your eyes are closed and you don't want to open them but you can hear and are aware of everything around you vaguely. That's how I feel at the moment, I am awake enough to hear what is going on but I can't comprehend any of it.

"Is she okay?" I hear Mrs. Lowry ask lightly trying to not be to loud as the movie is playing and she doesn't want to bother anyone. 

"Yeah, she just didn't sleep well last night and the was woken up before she was ready Elle and Savi and the boys. She has had a rough past couple weeks to." She says but I don't hear what Mrs. Lowry responds with. "Yeah, I think she is doing better, its hard to tell." She says and that is the last thing I hear before I fall asleep.

"Rae, wake up." I hear a female voice say and a hand rubbing my shoulder. 

I try to push it away but it doesn't stop. I grunt and trying to move away only to realize I am shoving my head into someone. I jump up quickly and have Mrs. Lowry's face in mine making me jump back again. I look around to see everyone is leaving, I look behind to see Demi watching me intently, I look behind my seat to see Elle watching the whole thing smiling. I blush slightly smiling at her making her laugh.

"Alright girls, Let's go. It is lunchtime. " Mrs. Lowry says.  

Elle pops up and follows behind her as I slowly stand up stretching. "I am sorry for falling asleep." I apologize to Demi as we follow.

"It's okay, hun, let's go to lunch then go back to the park. Me and you can go back to the room because we don't need to watch Y'all at the park as yall are meant to be with pairs or more at the park and we have just enough people for that to happen. Then we can eat Dinner at the hole with Honey and her parents and everyone else." She suggest as we make it to the place evryone else is standing waiting for their turn to use the bathroom. 

I lean agaianst the wall next to Elle and Savi.

"Are you okay?" Savi asks.

"I am okay, just tired." I say smiling at her.

"I am sorry we woke you up this morning." Elle says. "You missed a good movie."

"It's okay... I didn't sleep well before that. It's been a while since I have slept in a new place so I just didn't sleep well." I explain and then we get quiet for a few minutes.

As everyone gets done going to the bath room we head back to the vans. When we get you the vans I sit down in my usual seat but this time Demi doesn't sit next to me. She sits in the driver's seat and Mrs. Lowry sits next to me.

I lay my head against the window hoping she doesn't try to talk to me but knowing she will.

"Are you okay?" She asks and I groan.

"Can people stop asking me that?" I say sitting up and looking at her fustrated.

"I was just asking no reason to be rude." She says sternly but I just look at her.

Her stern voice and just about every teachers stern voice doesn't work on me.

"Just mind your own damn business." I say and looking out the window.

"Hey!" She says loudly but I still don't look at her. "You will treat me with respect. I understand you have had a hard past couple if weeks and you didn't sleep well last night but you need to treat me with respect." She says making Demi glance back in the mirror giving me a stern look and I just roll my eyes.

I am not in the mood to care. I just wanna go home and go to bed.

"Whatever." I say blowing her off.

"Do you need to skip lunch and sit out here with me?" She asks getting more upset.

"No, I need to be left alone." I say with additude.

Just as I finish talking we pull up to the restraunt. Demi turns around in her seat looking at everyone.

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen everyone stay together once we get out." She gets out opening the door for us to get out.

I get out as quickly as possible and stand as far away from the group as I can with out being to far. Mrs. Lowry goes straight to talk to Demi. I see Demi say she will take care of it before walking away.

We walk in to the restraunt and quickly get sat because we had reservations. I sit at the end of the table and Elle and Savi sit next to me. Demi sits on the other end of the table. I glance at her to see her look at me sternly trying to tell me to behave but I don't car right now.

I couldn't tell you why I don't care but I just don't care. I don't care if she is mad or if Mrs. Lowry is made. I just don't care.

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