Chapter 38

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Rae's POV

We pull up to the resort in the large van that doesn't even have a quarter of us in it. The people in the van with me are are my group and the group we will be sharing a schedule with.

My group consists of, me, Elle, Danny, John and Savi and then there is Demi as she is our groups chaperone, The other group in here is my math teacher, my favorite teacher, who planned the whole trip almost completely, according to Demi. She has Jay, Bella, Dani, and the 'bad kid' as all the teachers call him other than me, as I am also the bad kid, Chris.Together we all are very loud but we all get along and its been a fun ride from the airport.

We are at a Disneyland Resort and we are in California for Disney land.

I know what you are all thinking why take a group of seniors to Disney land before winter break but our school as this idea that if they take us on a trip earlier we will be more likely to not suffer from 'senior-itis' later on this year. I don't personally see that happening but I am not complaining.

Demi gets out telling us to stay put and Ms. Lowry the math teacher would stay with us if we needed anything. I sighed and looked out the window, I see a little girl, In a bright pink dress and a tiara, running around with her arms spread flapping them like a bird free as can be. I look to see if anyone is with her but she seems to be completely alone. I watch her for a few minutes when suddenly she stops and looks around her faces turns from happiness to absolute fear. Then as quickly as she was there she was gone almost as if she was never there. I sit up quickly scaring Elle who moved next to me when Demi got up.

I stand up and quickly push past her ignoring the yells of Ms. Lowry to sit back down.

I make my way past people and out the door of then van, I hear Ms. Lowry trying to get by but they all ignore her trying to see what I am doing. I run the direction the little girl ran of to when I see her little tiara on the ground. I pick it up before quickly resuming the chase. I see the back of her dress trailing behind her as she turns a corner. I speed my pace slightly know she can't be very old and is scared and me approaching her quickly could scare her more.

"Rae stop!" I hear a voice I know all to well yelling after me.

"I can't" I yell back and I couldn't, not knowing what happened to the little girl or why she was alone.

I finally lay my eyes on her again as she stands in the middle of a large crowd looking so confused and scared. I slowly slow down and stop a few yards away from her. I slowly walk up to here and crouch down.

"You dropped this sweetie." I say getting her attention and looking me with tears in her eyes. I notice she has a backpack. "Here." I say and gently put it on the top of her head. "Now, why don't you tell me your name?" I say quietly when she looks up at someone even more unsure of everything making me look up and see Demi standing over me.

"Oh sweetie, this my teacher, she will help you find your mommy and daddy, but you have to tell us your name." I say trying to get her to look back at me.

"Your teacher?" She asks quietly.

"Yeah, she is my teacher." I respond. "Now, how about you let me see your back pack and tell me your name." I suggest and she thinks about it before nodding.

She slowly takes of her bag handing it to me. I smile at her when I see there is a tag on it. I look at the tag and see her name. "Well, Honey, how we go for a short walk then, Miss. Lovato here will call you mommy and daddy." I suggest and she nods and I hand her bag to Demi and suddenly Honey wraps her arms around my neck causing me to pick her up as I stand. I laugh and hold her to me looking at Demi who has her phone out and typing in a number.

When we arrive in the front of the resort again I see everyone still in the van but the other groups have gone in and settled in. Ms. Lowry look pissed but worried at the same time. I walk up holding the young girl and Demi is on the phone. Everyone stops talking and looks at me confused.

"Psst." I say tickling Honey's side making her look up at me from my shoulder. "Why don't you go sit with my freind Elle in the red shirt while, I go talk to my teacher?" I suggest and she shakes her head hugging me tighter. I look at Demi and Ms. Lowry questioningly. I mean they work with kids for a reason but I don't in fact I don't deal with kids often.

Suddenly her grip tightens around my neck slightly choking me because Elle stands up and walks next to us laying a hand on her back. I quickly look at her wide eyed and shake my head telling her to back away.

"Sweetie, why don't we sit down in the van and when Miss Lovato gets off the phone we can all talk." I suggest and she loosens her grip and I breathe deeply.

I wait for Elle to sit back down and I take my place next to her. I slowly rock back and forth as I watch Demi and Ms. Lowry talk. I feel her grip loosen almost completely and small quiet snores flow out. I kiss the top of her head and her nuzzled her face into my shoulder more.

I look up at Demi and Ms. Lowry who are now of the phone and walking over to me.

"Okay so," Demi starts once she gets to me. "Her parents have been looking for her all over the park for the past 45 minutes. They actually just g9t here about two hours ago and they all went to eat and she wandered off." She explains looking directly at me. "They will be here I less than 10 minutes." I nod and look over at Ms. Lowry. She is look at me still pissed making me look away quickly.

"I am sorry about running off, I just saw her and I couldn't let something happen to her. She reminded me of someone, I had to make sure she was okay and I didn't have time to explain." I say and slowly look at Ms. Lowry.

"It's okay, just don't do it agian." She says then tells everyone to pair up with the pairs set up by her except me because my pair was Demi. They all get up get there stuff and I stand outside the van try to make she doesn't wake up.

Once the are all inside I sit back down and then Honey's grip tightens more and more around my neck. I miss the top of her head and she slowly loosens agian.

After sitting for about 10 more minutes a Man, Women and a young boy slightly older than Honey walk over to us.

"Are you Mrs. Sutton?" Demi asks the women.

"Oh please call me Tif and this is Dan and Grayson." She says point to the man then the little boy.

The little boy look at me and says "That is my sister."

"I know buddy, me and her became real good friends and she got tired so she fell asleep." I explain to him but he just kinda looks at me so I look up at the parents.

"He us just protective." The Dan says laughing.

At the sound of his voice Honey starts to shift around in my arms until her head slight my lifts. First she looks at me and I point to her family. Her face fills with excitement and she hugs me tightly.

"Thank you!" She yells just before lunching herself at her father.

I laugh and so does her parent's all quickly hugging her. I look up at Demi and see her watching then with the biggest smile.

After a few minute we start talking and fund out the are only a few rooms down from us in the same resort. We all walk together up to our floor and as we get ready to break of and go to out room Honey grabs my leg as she is now walking beside her father holding his hand.

"Don't go." She states.

"She has to babygirl." Her father tells her and you can see the tears build up in my eyes.

I kneel down in front of her. "Sweetie, I will be just down the hall and you can come get me anytime. Your mommy and daddy have Miss Lovato's number and if you need me they can call her, okay?" I say trying to calm her down and she nods hugging my tightly before walking away with her family but still looking back at me.

With that me and Demi head to out room.

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