Chapter 58

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Rae's POV

Its been a few weeks since dinner with Elle, Thanksgiving has passed and we are now in winter break. I went to the doctor and I was told that I have hypoglycemia, so basically, my blood sugar bottomed out because I hadn't eaten enough. I was confused but he said that the reason it hadn't affected me in the past was that even when my life wasn't stable my meals were. I am grateful for that because as long as I keep my diet stable I should be okay unless it gets worse. 

Now though, it is winter break, two weeks of no school, no stress, and all the time in the world. We leave with Demi's family tomorrow for the trip and I am super nervous. We have spent time with them but we have never spent days on end together with no break, thats what  is stressing me out, plus this will be the first time Sarge is traveling with us. 

"Rae, are you done packing because I am gonna put the bags in the car with your brothers." Demi asks coming into the room to sit next to me. 

"Yeah, um, it's, um over there." I pointing to the suit case not looking at her. 

"Are you okay?" She asks. 

"Yeah, just a little stressed out." I tell her smiling and she leave it alone going to pick up the bag. In the weeks after thanksgiving our relationship has become very tense for some unknown reason. I am pretty sure she is unhappy and I am probably the reason. She is an adult dating a baby adult, it's not a surprise, I just hoped it wouldn't happen. 

I stand up following her out of the room when I see Sarge begging to go out the front do so I grab his leash walking to him. 

"I am gonna walk, Sarge around for a little while!" I yell out not sure where room she went into but also not really bothering to check. 

I open the door and me and Sarge walk out. I have been doing this more often since things have gotten this way, I would back out of going with her family but that would be rude. At this point I am just trying to hold on as long as I can. When we make it to the end of the street Sarge starts sniffing for a place to do his business so I go to reach for my phone in my pocket and find it's not there.

I sigh in annoyance at myself but feeling to lazy to go back. The last time I didn't have my phone when I went for a walk was that day I left school. 

James has been seeing a girl for a few weeks but we haven't meet because he wants to know her better before he brings her into my life, but really I think he is embarrassed of me. I think he is embarrassed that he is my guardian and I have all the issue that I have.thats what I think. 

All of it, him and whats going on with Demi make me feel like it's only a matter of time before I am alone again and I don't know if I can do it.  I don't know if I can handle being alone again, I know I out of a persona to people who don't know me that I am tough but as we all know I am not that. 

Sarge starts walking again and I just follow suit letting him take me where ever he wants to go and the next thing I know we are at the park I have been bringing him to  when I can. He loves it here. It has a closed off section where I can take is leash of and just let him run so I lead him to that section taking the leach off before sitting on a bench. I look up at the sky just soaking up the sun that is the only thing keeping me warm with the cool breeze running through the trees.

As I sit there a woman in her late twenties comes and sits next to me, after who knows who long, giggling when Sarge came over to sniff her making me laugh to. He licks her hand before running off again.

"He likes you." I state and she looks at me shocked. "He likes to check people out when they are around me, and he likes you." 

I explain making her smile before sighing and look out at our dogs play as we are the only two here. 

"Whats wrong?" I ask.

"Oh, just work, you know how it is." She says blowing it of so I just laugh agreeing even though I have no clue. "The only time I am truly relaxed is when I come here with BoBo, there he calms me down and make me live in the moment." She explains and I agree with her but grunting. 

"I know the feeling." I say thinking about the atmosphere around James and Demi for the past few weeks. 

"Hey, your to young to be that stressed, what's up with you?" She asks bumping my shoulder. 

"Oh, I am just pretty sure the only two people that really keep me floating are not gonna be there much long, I don't know if I can handle it with out them." I say glancing at her sympathetic face. "I mean I have been alone before but it's different this time. 

"How so?" She asks prompting me to continue talking.

"Before it was a matter of necessity and I knew where the end of the tunnel was, I knew the end game, this time when they are gone I don't know the end game, I cant see the light at the end of the tunnel. This time, I see it coming I should already be making a plan and figuring it out unlike thats time where it just happened in a split second." I say feeling a tear falling down.

"I am sure they aren't leaving maybe you should just have a converstation with them, tell them how you are feeling and see what they say. It's christmas, nobody leaves someone on christmas, unless they are heartless." She says before look done at her watch. 

I glance and see it has been almost three hour since I left and I see Sarge laying down in the middle of the field clearly tired. 

"Can I use you phone I forgot mine at home?" I ask hoping he says yes.

She does and hands me her phone with the phone app up, I think for a second before typing Demi's number hoping and praying she will answer. 

"Yes." She says shortly sounding stressed and not really like her self. 

"Her phone is in her room, but don't worry sarge is with her and that dog loves her, he wouldn't let anything happen to her." I hear James voice in the background. 

"Demi?" I question quietly. 

"Rae, is that you? Where are you? You've been gone for hours." She says frantically.

"I am at the park with Sarge and I for got my phone so I didn't realize how long it had been." I explain and I here her sigh in relief.

"Can you come pick me up? I think Sarge and I both don't want to walk back." I ask innocently.

"Yes, of coarse I will be there in ten minutes." She says and the line goes dead. 

"She your girlfriend for somethin'?" the woman.

"Yeah, how did you know?" I ask confused.

"The way your eye's lit up when she answered." She says smiling. "I don't think she is leaving you anytime soon based on where I over heard so just talk to her.

She says just as Sarge come running over making us laugh when he jumps into my lap with all his wait.

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