Chapter 15

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I wake up to a steady beeping and raised voice that don't seem close but also not far.

"James, how could you let this happen? Your supposed to be taking care of her." Then nothing until I hear a low voice that I can barley hear.

"It's not his fault it's mine. She was with me and I didn't know she was allergic. It's 100 percent my fault." I hear a very sad voice that I know is Demi.

I look around and I see Demi's hoodie that she gave me when we were at her place. Speaking of which, where am I and how long have I been here? I see a button and I push it to see if it does anything.

A nurse comes in followed by my brother, my grandparents from my dad's side, then Demi with her head down never looking at me. I have seen my grandparent's since the funerals of my parent's.

"Ma'am, how are you feeling?" The nurse asks handing me some water, which I take.

I drink a sip. "I am feeling fine. How long was I out, and when can I leave?" I say look solely at her.

"About five or six hours because of the meds they gave you but you should be good to leave late evening." She says smiling at me making me smile back. She winks at me and I just smile not really sure what the wink is supposed to mean.

"Thank you ma'am for everything but could my girlfriend and I have sometime alone with her family?" Demi asks sounding kinda pissed sounding, glaring at the young nurse.

She leaves with out another word. I look over at the group standing in front of me all staying quiet so I speak up.

"Now before you talk, any of you that is." I say as Demi goes to speak and cut me off. "This was entirely my fault. I know you guys," I say look at my grandparents. "Think it is James' fault and Demi you think it is yours but truth is I am 18, I should be able to take care of myself."

"No baby, it is my fault." Demi says walking over to the bed and sitting next to me. She grabs my face as she leans over looking down and into my eyes. "I had no idea what to do." She sobs as she move to where she can move to lay her head on my stomach and hug me tightly.

I look up at my grandparents and brother and see them just watching us almost in admiration. "How come you two are here? And James don't you have work?" I said still holding Demi not liking seeing her so broken and not the usual wrong confident woman she is.

"Well, the hospital called me when you came cause you were out and I am obviously you guardian but I didn't answer because I was working so they called your emergency contact which is why they are here." James explains.

"This is why we wanted you to live with us. This wouldn't have happened if you lived with us." Grandpa Murry says.

"But grandpa it wouldn't have happened because I wouldn't have made it as long as I have with y'all." I look down at Demi you cried herself to sleep in a very uncomfortable looking  position. "I wouldn't have survived this long. James is the only reason I have survived all the panic attacks and the depression. It maybe hard but he has supported me this long and now I have this amazing women. She can calm me down at a moment's notice without even trying since the minute I met her. If I was with y'all your right this probably wouldn't have happened but I wouldn't be this happy either."

I explain and they just look at me in scilence.  "When did you become so wise?" Grandma asks making me giggle lightly.

"Ok we are gonna go sit in the waiting room until you can leave and give you some time with her." James say gesturing to Demi who is gripping me tightly even in her sleep.

I nod and they walk out one by one.

"Baby, wake up and lay with me." I say quietly rubbing her back. 

I her her groan and then she looks up at me and smiles.

"You scared me so bad baby girl." She says looking at me with tears in her eyes. "I thought I was gonna loose you then the wouldn't let me come see you because I wasn't family. Then, you grandparents got here and they didn't know who I was either. I had to wait for James to get here." She scoots closer and gently lays next to me pulling me to her and I lay my head on her chest. "No one would tell me if you were even alive." She finishes.

I move my head and try to bury my head in to her breast like I always do. "I was scared to... when everything went black the first time all I could think is we didn't get enough time together. then..." I start to tear up. "When I woke up and I saw you with your mother all I wanted was for you to come over... I..." I start to choke up. 

She pulls me further into her and 'sushes' me and rubs my back.

"I love you." She whispers to me.

"I love you too" I say still crying. 


Its now around 5 in the evening and Demi hasn't left the bed unless it is to go to the bathroom. James brought her food earlier because she refused to go get some herself. 

The doctor walks in and checks my vitals. 

"So Miss Adam's, I believe you are good to go." She says winking at me and i just smile.

"Thank you very much for taking care of me." I say smiling up at her.

"Its really no problem I would take care of anyone as pretty as you." She responds and I giggle until Demi cuts in.

"She is beautiful isn't she? I am glad I made her mine." She gives her a tight lipped smile and the women looks at she surprised but nods and walks out saying she would get my discharge papers ready.  

"What was that Demi?" I ask confused at her behavior.

"She was flirting with you no one and I mean no one flirts with my women especially another women." She said looking at me in all seriousness.

"But you didn't have to be so rude about it." I say look at her surprised. 

"Babe, listen, you are mine and I don't want other people flirting with you. Plus, I am already on edge because I almost lost you or at least it felt that way." She says looking me dead in the eye and I see a flickering of fear in her eyes  when she says she almost lost me making me melt and pull her into a hug. 

Next thing I know the nurse comes in with my brother saying we could head out. So we all head to the parking lot and I realize my grandparents aren't there so I look at James and ask "Where did grandma and grandpa go?" 

"They went to the apartment about two hours ago because we didn't know when you'd get out and you know how old people need their sleep." He says making me giggle. 

"I need to ride with y'all because my mother brought me due to the fact I wasn't really in the condition to drive." Demi says looking at James and he just nods letting her know that it's fine with him. 

"Your gonna stay at the apartment, right?" I ask Demi knowing that I wouldn't be able to sleep with out her because she had been with me for weeks now and slept with me just about every night.

"Of coarse baby, I will always stay with you unless you tell me you don't want me to." She says and we all head to James' car.

When we get in I look to Demi. "Can I call your mom and talk to her?" I ask questioningly. She nods handing me her phone and off we go to the apartment.

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