Chapter 8

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I feel a tapping on my cheek and I groan saying "5 more minutes, please" and roll away covering my face with the sheets. "You said five more minutes 45 minutes ago, we have to get going." I groan and sit up "Fine" I say and get you and get ready.

Once ready we get in her car and drive to the school. "Pull over." I say once we are about a block away from the school. She just looks at me confused. "Pull over so I can get out. I will walk the rest of the way." I say and she pulls over and when I start to get out I am stopped.

"Your not walking anywhere. I thought we went over this, we have an excuse for you being with me." She says and I take a deep breath.

"I just think it'll be easier if we do it this way." I say. And look down. "Then I won't have to worry about people asking questions and neither do you?"

"I am not worried and neither should you. People know I was the one to calm you down and watch you after the panic attack in the gym. We will say when James came to pick you up we recognized each other and he asked me to help out this weekend." She says. "Now, kiss me before we get to the school." She demands. I smile and nod. I lean across th car and kiss her and she puts her hand in my hair and pulls me closer.

When we pull away and she pulls back on to the road and we head to the school. We get there and both head seperate ways.

It's now 6th period I am in Anatomy and we are talking about muscles in the body. I am sitting next to some volleyball player and she keeps staring at me. When I stand up to turn in our papers she slaps my ass. I turn around giving her a death glare. "Don't ever touch me again or you won't like the outcome." I threaten the walk away.As I am on my way back the bell rings so I grab my bag and walk out the door.

When I walk into the gym the girl pushes me up against the wall. "You like girls, right? So you like me." She says laughing evilly. I shake my head and say "No it means I like some girls you are not one of them. Also I think I just told you not to ever touch me again." I push her away from me only to have her push me back and I slam me into the wall.

I push her with as much force as I can and she goes flying into the ground and then sliding into the opposite wall which is next to the door where you go to Demi's office. "I told you not to touch me ever again." She gets up and walks towards me and punches me in the face. I feel a sting and I groan. "You bitch!" I scream and punch her back making her fall to the ground. I throw my bag down and get on to off her and punch the floor next to her head causing and loud echoing boom through the gym as I hear someone yell "Someone get Coach!" then I hear someone running and then a door opening and shutting. 

She looks up at me scared. "I told you not to touch me or you wouldn't like the out come. Do you like it." I get right up in her face. "Don't ever touch me again, I mean it." 

Thats when I hear the door open and foot steps running up to us. I stand up, grab my bag and walk away knowing whoever is there is checking on the girl still on the floor. I walk to the front office and sit down. "Miss Adams, what are you doing here?" The principal asks walking out. 

I look up at him and then to the hallway and see Demi and the girl walking down the hallway. Demi looks pissed. "I got in a fight with her. She wouldn't stop touching me." I point to the girl then look down at my lap. 

Demi and the girl walks in and when she see me she sighs probably happy I didn't run again.I really want to though I look up at her and she gasps so does the principal. "What?" I ask. Looking around the room. 

"Your face, Miss Adams." says the principal. I pull out my selfie camera on my phone to look. Its has a few scratches from the girls rings and my eye is already swelling shut. I sigh and look at my hand to see is bruised to. "Well fuck! Thank you, you little shit. You harass me then fuck my face up." I stand up and she backs away. I stand there taking deep breaths trying to calm down. When it doesn't work I turn around to face the walk. 

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