*First Body*

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"What the hell you over there dreaming about spaced off and shit?"

"I'm thinking we fucking poor that's what I'm thinking. Look at this shit! The streets fucked up, lights are off in almost every house. None of us got a pair of shoes with no holes in them.We homeless Gee. We made a home but still I'm just tired of this shit. The higher people don't give a fuck about us either. Why we have to live like this? Why every body else get the life they want. But we get the scraps thrown at us like fucking dogs"

"Karlo chill man. We got no worries right now. We 9 years old living better than half the people around us just cool out"

Young Karlo sits back looking at his people struggle. His young mind is like a 40 year old. He didn't like the idea of settling. He was tired of digging in the trash to slightly full his small stomach. He was tired of not being able to wash in clean water. He was tired of wearing the same three outfits he owns. He was simply tired of being tired.

He puts his hand in his pocket pulling out his last $20 dollar bill that some older lady gave him earlier today when they were in the upper side of town.

"Come on let's walk to the store, get some food and smokes."

When they walk up the usual drug boys are at the corner of the store. To be honest Karlo envied them. They say he's young to grown man shit. They won't give him his chance. But they looked out on a good day. He daps them up before walking in the small store. Some man was going back and forth with the Cashier. This is nothing new so they kept walking as if it wasn't happening. He grabbed a cart putting $1 items in the cart.

He hears the click of the gun and a loud pow. Karlo lifts his head up just in time to see the clerk that now has a big gap in his head fall to the floor.

"Gee go look out while I handle shit for us"

They watch the shooter grab his things and run out the store. By now the drug boys are out of sight thing police will be coming to harass them. They take them all in thinking they had something to do with the situation. Then they will find the drugs. It's just stress they don't need. And around here no matter what you see or hear you keep your mouth shut. Or it will be shut for you. Simple as that.

Gee goes to the door watching for police or anybody that tries to come in the store. Police take a hour when ever they get call this way anyway. So he really didn't have anything to worry about at the moment. He starts throwing shit in the cart filling it up to the brim, with different things. He places that one by the door grabbing three more carts filling those up also. When he places those by the door he grabs two clothes wrapping them around his hands carefully.

He walks behind the counter taking what's in the register which is about$800. He looks down at the clerk that is still breathing looking up at the ceiling. He looks at young Karlo making his eyes go soft at the young man that's been coming in his store before he could walk.

"There's a safe in the back, it has $40,000 grand in it. I have no family so take it. I rather you have it then those fucked up cops.The code is 90/12/03/04/10/31."

After he speaks blood begins coming out his mouth. Mr.Johnson tries his best to spit it out.

"Thank you"

Karlo grabs a black shopping bag going to the back putting the code in. He puts the money in a big size trash bag there's a medium size bag of weed so he throws the weed in his bag to. Coming back out he grabs blacks, cigarettes,blunts adding that to his stash.

"There not coming for me. Grab the gun under the register and end it for me please. There's no cameras so nobody will know unless you open your mouth."

He grabs the cold steel in his hands while the man tells him how to use it. Little did he know he knew how to use it. Shit he could pull the gun apart in seconds if he wanted to.He pulls the trigger three times. When it's done he grabs the blanket putting it over the man.

"God please forgive him for his sins"

He walks outside

"Grab those two and I got these"

The kids walk side by side with two full carts a piece. When they get back to the house that they made a home all the kids that stay under the roof with them eyes light up like Christmas, seeing this much food as once is crazy. It's never been done. They usually take turns eating. Each day a different group eats. But at the same time if your 5 and under they give them half of there food.

"Tonight we eat good. Come help put the things away where they should go. Sasha begin dinner with Maria"

The kids run doing what they are told. That night Karlo and Gee locked there self's in there room when there stomach was full.

"What you needed to show me. I'm trying to go boil some water and take a hot clean bath and put some draws on with no holes in them"

You could see the joy in his eyes from just the thought of being cleaned. Karlo even was able to grab all the clothes,socks,shoes, hygiene items that was in the store. They are all tshirts and jogging pants but there clothes and there clean with no holes in the shoes.

Karlo puts the paper down on the windows before pulling the big bag out that he hid in the closet when they first got here.

"What the hell is that man? I ment to ask you about it when we first got here. But the for distracted me"

Karlo opens the bag dumping everything on the ground. Gee jumps up being all extra and shit

"Nigga I didn't know you got the money to. Dam how much is it?"

Karlo shrugs his slender shoulders before he begins to count. Gee couldn't count or read. Karlo was working with him with that but it's hard with no books or anything. Karlo learned from his big brother that was mugged and shot in front of him last year. Before his brother left this world he taught him about weighing drugs, cooking,cutting the product. Anything to do with drugs Karlo was your man. He could look at any amount of drugs and tell you the weight,amount and how much it could be sold for with out really thinking about it.

When he finishes the money it comes out to be $40,800. His mind begins to think about what needs to be done. What can make his life better and the people around him. The house is full of misfits. Some didn't want to go to a home where one parent was absent. Some didn't want to go home to a drug use acholic mother or father that takes there anger out on them because of how there life turned out. Each child that's there has there own story of how they got there. But they were a fucked up family that would die behind there's.

"What you going to do with the money bro?"

"Take the streets over, it's time to eat. Fuck being the underdog!"

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