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"Im Sassy Blues partner"

The girl looks on with a fake smile

"Mhm hes never said anything about you.  Matter of fact what kind of business are you two in?"

Sassy bites her lip from trying not to laugh at the foolish girl. How you somebodys whole girlfriend and don't know what they do for a living?"

"It was nice meeting you heater,weather what ever your name is"

Sassy couldn't fight the small amount of  jealousy that rose to her butterfly stomach. She didnt want to get in anything tonight so she kept her distance.

"There that bad bitch go ayyyyeee turn up"

Cherry came over twerking to the beat on Sassy.

"I didn't know you were coming"

"Girl i wasn't but just in case lover boy was still trying to cover his void with that hoe, i wanted to make sure you still had a good time. So lets get fucked up and not remember tomorrow. My other bitch was suppose to come but Daddy dick is putting her in her place at the moment."

Sassy giggled before drinking and dancing with Cherry.

"Alright Alright i want to get everybodys attention please"

The music cut off and everybody turned there attention to the stage where Karlo stood.

"I just want to say thank everybody for coming out for ah nigga and partying with me. I appreciate that shit. The cake is about to come out and then presents. Yall ass betta not be cheap either"

Everybody sung happy birthday to a cheeseing Karlo. Everybody that brought a gift stood in line. Sassy made sure she was the last one. He got clothes, shoes, watches,game systems etc

Heather stood in front of Sassy smiling ear frim ear.

"Open it up baby"

Karlo opened the card almost laughing

"Do you like it? I knew everybody would get you material things not something from the heart"

He flip through the coupon book that said free hugs, free kisses, a massage, movie night etc

"Its cute"

She jumps up and down happy. Turning around with a smirk. Karlo didn't understand why she was acting as if they were more than fuck friends.  He barely even fucked her because she was a runner. The only reason she was his date because she popped up to the house saying she wanted to be. He couldn't go to his party alone. He didnt correct her with Sassy because he was trying to be nice and he was surprised at the fact Sassy was really here. He looks Sassy in the eye frowning when he sees the scar lining the side of her face. He was mad at his self he didnt see it when he first saw her.

"Im i hope you like the things. I remember you mentioning them way back then"

He honestly could care less about the gifts. He was just happy she was here. She looked beautiful tonight, and he was jealous of the fact every man in here was showing attention her way.

He picked the heavy box up opening it truly smiling

"You remembered shawty"

He pulled the big chain out putting it on admiring it.

He opened the box almost gasping

"Man i looked for these shoes high and low for the party. Man thank you for real. "

He pulls her into a tight hug enjoying the feeling of her back in his arms

"Uh theres one more thing"

She pulls out another smaller box

"Man you gave me enough ma"

"Just open the box,no wait a minute "

She pulls him by the hand when the music begins playing again and the lights go out.

"Why you bringing me outside?"

Heather walks behind them with her arms crossed like a child pissed that Sassy has the spot light. Only thing Sassy could think about the girl is she hopes she wasn't another Alina.

"Close your eyes"

He smiles doing what she asked

She places him in front of the car. Heathers mouth drops thinking i know dam well she didnt get him a car


He opens his eyes

"No you didnt, naw you didnt! Man you did? Sassy babygirl awe fuck mane. Do you see this mane "

He opens the box seeing the keys

He falls out then jumping back up and on the car. Then jumping off the car

"Im sorry baby, daddy didnt mean to jump on you. Ill never hurt you Cassy"

"Really Blue? Its just a car"

He runs to Heather putting his hand around her mouth

"Shh she will hear you"

He runs back to the car

"She didnt mean it baby, dont listen to her. Your dadys baby"

Sassy couldn't do nothing but laugh. He must be tipsy

He picks Sassy up spinning her in the air.

He got the urge to kiss her but was knocked out of it from the clearing of Heathers thought. At this time everybody comes out to see where the birthday boy went. They get hyped when they see the car. Cherry comes over smiling hard

"Your lul boo happy i see"

"He is"

When the excitement dies down she walks to Karlo gaining his attention off rip

He meets her half way

"Im about to head out, just wanted to wish you a happy birthday one last time"

He frowns not knowing when the next time he will get to see her.

"Thank you for coming sweetheart. I really appreciate your prences and presents"

"Your welcome"

They get lost in eachothers eyes

"Blue! Baby come on help me put the stuff in the car"

"You should go ill see around Blue"

He could see the sadness in her eyes before she turned around walking away from him. He felt empty and lonely all over again. He watched her get in her car and pull off from him again

"Blue come on im ready to cuddle next to you"

He sighs heavy

getting everything right and telling everybody thank you before he heads home.

Heather just kept talking and talking getting on his nerves. He was letting her stay the night because she was drunk. But he was telling her to lose his number in the morning. She tried to get some dick from him but he just wasn't feeling it. They hadn't fucked in two months, hes just been getting head frim her. He laid there thinking about his life and this just wasn't it

Sassy gets out the shower putting lotion on her body them putting a big shirt over it. Throwing her hair in a high pony tail and getting in to bed. Her mind told her to go to sleep but her thoughts were keeping her up. She put her window up listening to the rain fall outside.

"Bam Bam Bam"

She jumps from the banging on the door. All she could think was Micah knew she was back in town. He was here to start shit. She grabbed her gun off her night stand walking to the door. She doesn't bother asking who it is. She swings the door openend

"Blue what the hell are you doing here?"

He stands there dripping wet, soaked shirt clinging to his abs. You could almost make out the v.

He doesn't say anything  grabbing her up making her legs wrap around him tightly. Going in for the kiss

"Shhh i missed you"

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