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"Come in chile"

Sassy sits down in Mamas kitchen as she washes greens

"Ive been hearing about you in these streets.  Got people scared to even say your name"

"They should be"

"Sassy you have to stop being that way and let your heart beat again nina"

"I will when i find out who did what they did"

Mama shakes her head at hearing her talk this way. She almost felt sorry for the person that did it. They made her worse than she ever was before. They mad a monster out of her.

"I gotta go ma, ill call you later"

She kisses her cheek walking out while Mama says a silent prayer to watch over her

Sassy gets back in the house around 2 in the morning telling the nurse she can leave.

She curls up next to Karlo letting her tears fall freely. She tells him about her day as if he was up listening to every word she said. She would fall asleep every night this way.

She wakes in the morning when the nurse comes

"I'll see you later sweetheart "

Kissing him on his forehead leaving him again

She does the usual trap house then rides to the airport

She has over 300 planes coming and going. Grabbing that money then going to each Trap to get the profit from them. Nothing came up short they were to scared for it to.

It was pay day so money had to be spilt. Micah still got a share. But they had no communication whats so ever. He didnt even try to talk he just ignored het every time they seen eachother. Which was fine with her. She felt he had something to do with the situation but had no proof yet.

When she was done with everything she stopped to the store getting food for the house.  Trying to unlock the car and answer her phone, the buggy is let go.


"Hey sweetheart looks like you lost your buggy. Im Polo and you"

She puts her finger up listening to the nurse.

"Sassy Karlo is up, hes going crazy looking for you"

"Ok im on my way"

"And one more thing"


"He cant move his legs"

Sassy stands frozen for a moment then snapping out of it.

"Uh thanks for catching my buggy here have some money"

She throws a wad of cash at him and throws her bags in the car.

Jumping in the car and speeding off towards the house

When she gets there she puts the car in park jumping out and running in the house. When she gets in the house she can hear him yelling

"Where the fuck is she? Why am i here? What the fuck did you do to my legs?"

Sassy slams the door opened

The nurse runs the room screaming she quits

They lock eyes

She runs to him straddling him before taking him in a long hard kiss

"Please don't leave me alone again"

He touches the bullet scar on her arm

"What happened to us?"

Sassy sits down explaining everything she knew. By the end of the story hes mad but cant do anything about it.

She calls the doctor to check him out. The doctor tells her he will be in a wheel chair. He doesn't know for how long or if he will ever walk again.

"There lieing baby, ah nigga going to walk i have to man"

The doctor leaves while Sassy takes him in her arms letting him cry it out

"Shhh its okay"

"No No Noooo man, this can't be happening to me!"

"Hey hush your going to walk again. "

"But what if i dont, im to young for all this"

"Then ill be right by your side through it all. Just don't push me away"

Over the weeks Karlo was so hard on his self. He wasn't taking this well at all.

Sassy looks at him as he sits in the wheelchair looking out the window at the rain

"This will either make us or break us Karlo"

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