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The next morning Karlo got up before the sun was up. Taking a quick cold shower then dressing. He was in a mission. He had no time to wait on anybody. He was never one to depend on anybody. While Gee was passed out sleep he was on a money train. He wasn't stopping until he made it to the top.

He grabbed a book bag putting some money into. He put the small handgun in his pants, the way he seen the boys on the block doing it.

When he walked out the room Alina ran to him while dragging her stuff bunny behind her.

"K! Good morning"

"Good morning sweetheart"

"I'm hungry, and Becky won't get up for me. She told me to leave her alone"

Karlo met Alina about 2 years ago. She was head first in a trashcan trying to find her something to eat. Karlo was walking to the store when he spotted her. He took her home and she hasn't left since. Long story short her daddy was messing with her and she was scared to go home.

"I got you munchkin"

He walks in the kitchen grabbing some frosted flakes and milk. When she's all set up he begins his journey across town.

You can tell the difference as soon as step for on this side. They have great grass, no trash on the streets. Shit they have a full street.

Taking a deep breath before knocking on the door. A half naked female with wild curly hair that looks like she is high out her mind answers the door.

"What you want kid?"

"I need to talk to Scar"

She opens the door wider so he can enter. She goes back to work bagging product with the other half naked females.

One of the men that keeps everything in order tells him to follow him upstairs. When they get to top the man knocks one time before leaving.


Karlo walks in slowly. The surprised look on Scars face tells allot.

"Baby how much more do you have? My feet are killing me and I'm hungry and sleepy"

"Come here"

The pregnant girl walks to him sitting on his lap. You can tell by look Scar gives her he's head over hills for her.

"I'm almost done, when we get home I'll rub your feet and feed you. Let me handle what ever this is. Just think after all this product is gone I'm out the game for good. Be patient with me Mami"

He kisses her with so much passion almost forgetting the Lil nigga was there. Key word almost. Karlo looks away trying to give them there moment of privacy.

"What can I help you with?"

The beautiful woman looks at him with curiosity in her eyes. Karlo can almost feel the power she has coming from her. It's like he knows Scar is the boss. But her vibe is bitch I'm the boss and I'll kill your ass if you try me or him.

"I got 10 grand for you. I need product but I don't want to sell for you. I want to sell for myself"

Scar cracks a smile thinking who the hell sent this little boy for jokes. Karlo dumps the money on the desk before stepping back.

Scar sighs he for real

"What you doing with this kind of money Younging?"

"My business, are you going to help me or not?"

Scar looks to Calì that's silent. She's just watching everything play out. Calì meets Scar's eyes nodding her head.

"We all have to stay somewhere if we want to be on top"

"How old are you?"


Scar shakes his head tapping Calì's leg for her to get up and get it. Karlo makes no move to see what she's doing or where she's getting the product. Off rip Scar liked that.

Calì hands the but a duffle bag with the goods. He looks in the bag exaiming the product.

"You gave me to much"

They look shocked that he could just look at it and count it.

"Honesty is a plus. I fucks with you. Do you thing come back if you need more. You are your own person but the streets will look after you"

"Appreciate it"

"Aye what's your name?"


Karlo walks out the house satisfied. Nobody knows his true name not even Gee. It's something his brother always told him to do and he listened. If it came from his brother then it's worth listening to.

As he is walking a old lady that's watering her grass gives him a dirty look. He throws his middle finger up making her gasp and run in her house. He knows she's to scared to even look out the window. Her car is at the end of her yard. Karlo tries the door it's unlocked with the key inside. This couldn't be easier. He hopes in taking off to the chop shop.

"I'll give you 2 grand for it"

"Alright bet it up"

Karlo takes the money walking out the building.

"Give me the bag!"

Karlo looks at the man that just came out of no where. You could tell he was a Fein by the way he scratches his neck. Karlo looks at the gun closely.

"Get your bitch ass out my way! Fucking crackhead"

"I'll pull the trigger. I'll really do it"

"I'm waiting"

The man's hand begins to shake. Karlo takes his gun out pulling the trigger three times.

"You won't pull it but I will, with your fake ass bb gun"

"Lord please forgive him for his sins"

He steps over the dead body leaving with out taking another thought out for him.

When he finally does make it back to the house Gee is sitting on the porch with two other dudes from around the way.

He nods his head at Gee while ignoring the other two presence. That's one thing every body could say Karlo did not fuck with anybody that wasn't in this house hold. He was a rude asshole. But his trust was all fucked up. The way he seen it if you keep your circle small no snakes can slither there way in your grass. No drama is brought to you. All that he say she say, beefing with random niggas wasn't good thing. Especially the ones that beef with you that don't know you but start shit because another nigga don't like it.

So to keep life easy he acts like no other niggas are around. That's one thing he despised about Gee. He was friendly to any and fucking body. He couldn't stand the shit. Karlo goes in the house going to his room to go to sleep until night life. While the other niggas sleeping he'll be eating. Before he goes to sleep he bags everything so he will be ready. He puts the stash in a loose board that's in the floor. Gee don't even know about this spot. Like I said his trust for anybody is low. All he wants is loyalty from his circle if not then shit everybody dies that crosses him.

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