My Home Is My Home

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Sassy rolls her eyes at her phone while Ques speaks through her phone. He was making her head hurt honestly. She fixed the cover  on Kj while he was still fast asleep next to her. Sassy barely let him sleep with her, she didnt want him to get in the habit of it. She still had his room done at this house. Ques told her to sell the house, there was no point in her keeping it. Sassy agreed just so he would shut the fuck up about it. She told him she did it so they wouldnt argue about it anymore. He didnt really like her having her own money. He was use to being in control when he was with some body, including money. He wasn't use to the type of female Sassy was. She didn't need him. So he tried to control everything else the involved her. Take the way she dresses for example. He would get mad at the fact another migga was looking at her. Not thinking oh my girl bad. He would get mad at Sassy and they would end up leaving where ever they were

"Sassy are you even listening to me? This the shit I'm talking about"

Sassy was trying not to laugh. She thought it was the most thing when his proper ass cursed. She gained her composure before speaking again

"Ques i just feel that i should stay in my space and you in yours. Its better that way . Im tired of fussing with you. Im not your child to tell me everything i need to do. Im a grown ass woman "

Sassy could imagine the anger he was sure showing at this moment
But her smile drops at the next almost word that comes out his mouth.


He pauses breathing in then out. When he speaks again it's a much calmer voice this go around

"Baby listen"

"Naw nigga say what you was going to say!"

Sassy rolled her neck, squinting her eyes at the phone like he could see her

"Why you acting so hood? Stop that and listen to what i have to say! Dam that's whats wrong with females now, they want to wear the fucking pants. I just feel if we are getting married then we should live together point blank period "

"You didnt even say sorry Ques"

"Sorry for what? Sorry for MY wife to be out in public looking like a hoe. I will not say sorry for that. You were in the wrong. The faster you learn your place the better"

Sassy hangs up in his face not wanting to deal with the situation anymore. She didnt have the time or patience for it. He was making her rethink this whole marriage thing and put a bullet in his head for the death til we part shit. She was thankful she didnt give him the pussy. He would really think he ran shit with her. But her mood changed when she looked at both her men stirring awake.


"Well hello Mr sleepy head. Ready for the day? "

Kj nods while stretching and getting out the bed to get ready.
Sassy was just happy he wasn't attached to Ques because at tgis point she wanted to call it quits. She never understood why Kj didnt really care for Ques but she never asked. And it seemed Ques was just fine without him wanting him to be his daddy.

Blacko's POV

"Whats up nigga! Ill be home in a few months man. I cant fucking wait. Imma find out set me up just a matter of time"

Black didnt comment on his words. His mind was still on his baby sister. Then hearing the news about her made it worst.

"I seen Sassy the other day"

Karlos eyes gets big making him jump up to the glass in surprise. He'd missed her so much. She changed her number and didnt live at the same address anymore. Nobody really seen her these days anymore.

"Sit down or walk away Blue"

Karlo throws his middle finger up to the officer but sits down looking serious. The police leave him alone with a shake of his head.

"What she say Black?"

"Fuck me and fuck you those words"

Karlo sits back playing with his chin hair thinking. What the fuck is wrong with her?

"Thats it?"
Black nods his head

"Man i dont even think she knows you locked up. You seen how fucking long it took me to find you nigga. I think she think you just left her,you said fuck her. When Sassy feels that way she puts distance between everybody . I wasn't even able to tell her i was in a shot out that night everything went down, that was the only reason i didnt answer. Shit honestly i dont even know what went down But i talked to some of her workers yesterday afternoon . You not going to like this shit bruh "

He gets closer to the table listening to every word that leaves Blacks mouth

"Blue times up"

Karlo ignores him not even looking his way, the only reason they are acting like this today because there boss was there. But Karlo gave no fucks


"The streets talking bruh, they saying she engaged"

Karlo drops the phone. The thought of another nigga trying to take his spot makes him want to kill somebody.  He was pissed the fuck off at that and the fact she would think he would disappear without her by his side

The officer grabs Blue, bringing attention around him. More police join in

"Its more I need to tell you! Chill out Blue!"

Black screams through the window,getting mad at how there handling him

But it fell on deaf ears as Karlo thrashed hitting them anywhere he could around making them restrain him harshly. He's put in the hole until he can calm down.

"Fuck man"

Black throws the phone at the window in anger

"I suggest you calm down before your with your little friend back there"

"And i suggest you shut your mouth with this long dick chocking the back of your throat.  But i guess we cant get everything we want now can we"

She gasp in surprise watching Black walk out the room


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