Not good enough

27 3 12

"Your a little big, you may want to lose some weight before the wedding"

"She has a child? Was she married or did she open her legs like these fast females now ah days? "

"Are you sure she's good enough for our son?"

"Why are we just meeting her?"

Doubt after doubt was coming Sassy's way. But the worse thing about it Ques just sat there like it was fine. She looked over at him but he just shrugs his shoulders

"Are you a hoodrat? You know my son has money is that why your after him? Are you sure son this is what and who you want? Are you absolutely prepared to take care of her and her bastard child? I know you want kids but do you want to be a step father?"

Sassy chuckles kissing her teeth

"And what is so funny sweetheart ?"

She thinks Ques is so fucking stupid if he sees nothing wrong with this situation. She stands up making them look up to her in confusion. This right here told her that even if Karlo didn't come back this was not the man for her. He couldn't even take up for her.

"You know what fuck you ya daddy and ya ugly ass mama. I came over her kinda feeling bad but you know what i dont give a fuck. You are a selfish, childish, immature sad boy stuck in a mans body. You have done nothing but put me down since ive been with you. And you old bitch i don't need nar or nada nigga to take care of me or my child dumb hoe. I have more money than you your faggot ass husband and son put together. I don't need you and since your such a fucking mamas boy you should just pull her titi out and suck it! Little dick ass nigga, yeah when you were parading around you wasn't showing shit ya dick as little as a fucking butter bean"

She takes the ring throwing at his mama. It hits her in the eye making Ques angry

"Fucking bitch!"

He sneaks her grabbing her by the hair

"Go handle that whore son!"

He pulls Sassy by the hair upstairs

Throwing her in the room she locking the door

"You fuck up everything so fucking Ungrateful. Dirty hood rat bitch"

"Nigga fuck you pussy ass"

He slaps her across her face making her laugh

"That's all you got mama boy. Your mama probably use to fuck you aint it?"

He boxes her in the mouth making her spit blood at him

"I've had better lul dick. My nigga is back fucked the shit outta him last night"

Hit to the stomach

"Let me show you what this little dick can do bitch"

He drops his pants walking out of them making her eyes grow big

"Come here!"

He grabs her while she fights, hes able to get her legs apart with his knee and her hands over her head

"Ques get the fuck off me"

"Not talking no more shit are we? Your going to fucking marry me! You will not make a fool of me "

He rips her shirt squeezing her nipples painfully . Pulling her pants down

"Ques Stop!"

Pop Pop Pop Pop

All you can hear is gun shots downstairs

Then it gets silent, the door is broken off the nails

"You like trying to take shit that's not yours"

Karlo walks in grabbing him by the shirt. He throws him to the door way where Black comes out of no where

Karlo helps Sassy up getting pissed off at the state she's in. He takes his shirt off giving her his shirt. Wiping the blood dripping down her face. He looks so serious but soon smiles like a crazy person

"Let's go"

They walk down the stairs where is father is slumped over on the couch, and his mother is in the corner shaking with a gun pulled on her.

"You good boss lady"

Sassy smiles the best way she can. Karlo picks her bridal style. Then he starts laughing out of no where. Sassy looks at him trying to figure out what's so funny. He moves her position to over his shoulder.

"Aye Ques you want to see something real quick"

Ques just looks at him with fear trembling out of his body

Karlo pulls his gun out shooting Ques mother in the face using all the bullets out one. He moves the gun to his father that was trying to pretend he wasn't holding on, shooting him in the head. His brain splatters on the expensive looking couch.

Karlo walks out humming to something in his head. Sassy could care less she just wanted to get home and soak then go to sleep. Her body was sore and she didnt like the feeling. Karlo sits her in the car turning the car on. He gets out directing the cleaning crew.

"I want everything spotless"

"Aye boss can we keep the house and cars"

"Yea go ahead ull get Sassy to do what she does when shes feeling up to it"

The young men get on it smiling like there not cleaning a bloody house.

"You hungry Ma"

She shakes her head no

"Man im about to get you food"

"No i need to lose some weight "

Karlo grips the wheel swerving off in anger he's trying not to show

He stops at Chick fa la to the drive through part

"How can i help you?"

"10 chicken sandwiches, 2 chicken nugget meals, 6 Lg fries, 5 milkshakes hold that whip cream and cherry shit thou. Thats all"

"Karlo who at the house with Kj?"

"Ya Mama"

Sassy drops her head having a small tantrum

"That's what you get"

He smirks driving to the window any paying

When they get to next window the girl breaks her neck trying to get a good look at the chocolate that just drove up.

She opens the window smiling hard

"Whats up Zaddy"

"Just give me the food"

"You must still be with that little red bitch. Nigga fuck that hoe jump on my team, i promise you won't regret it baby. My lips wrapped around that dick making you cum in 5.6 seconds "

She bats her lashes trying to look sexy

Sassy snatches her half way out the window taking all her anger out on the girls face. When shes finished she slings her back in the building. The manger runs to the window trying to figure out what happened.

"Lady run me my food or my money! Teach your employees to stay in there place. "

She throws herself back in the seat with her hands folded looking like a child with her face screwed up

"Tired of these bitches and niggas trying ne. Take me home"

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