When The Thunder Rolls

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"Ill see you later Ques"

"Why not spend the night with me?"

"I need to get to Killa he doesn't like thunder"

She knew dam well she was lieing he loved that shit. She just didn't want to be bothered with him tonight

"Is the hotel ok with you having him there? I know they don't care for animals being there"

"Well everybody will be ok,its getting late and i need to get Kj ready for bed"

"Unbelievable your picking your dog over me"

"Bye Ques"

He gets out the car slamming the door to her car. He runs to his trying to get out the strom that's brewing

When Sassy arrives to her house Killa is at the window. He looks like he's smiling everytime the thunder rolls

"crazy ass"

He barks in return Sassy smiles shaking her head.

"You ready for bed lul daddy"

"I don't like Ques Mommy"

Sassy stands there shock for a moment

"Why baby? Has he done something to you? Did he hurt you?"

"No, just dont like him"

He walks off grabbing his clothes heading to the bathroom

Kj was a very smart little boy that was far ahead of the little kids around him. She was expecting him saying those words. Yes he never really had anything to do with Ques but he never said he didnt like him before

"Come on Mommy"

Sassy follows her son in the bathroom with his statement heavy on her mind.

Just something else she would have to think about

Karlos POV

Karlo sat in his cell looking at the wall.

"Blue get up, get dressed and ready"

"Nigga ready for what?"

"To go home"

Karlo was happy but not happy at going hime. He was going home to nothing. His girl was engaged to another man and she thought he went ghost on her. What was bothering hin the most was she gave her virginity to him and then he disappeared. So it made him look bad like that was all he wanted from her. But that was far from it. Then he wasn't there when she needed him the most. He was going to have to get her back. But his thoughts went to what if she was really happy and moved on without him. His mind was going crazy. He wanted to kill the man that had asked her hand in marriage. But didnt want to see her cry over the nigga. He was confused as hell.

He got up putting the clothes on he was locked up in. The shirt was to small since his muscle's had gotten bigger since he had been there. He put the white Tshirt from jail on.

They let him call Black,  he was on his way as soon as they hung up

"My boyyyyy free man. About dam time"

Karlo chuckles but he was right he was ready to get the hell up out of there

"Man hit the mall for a real one. My clothes was tight as fuck"

"You turning the other way, you know being in there for so long. Ah nigga will still fuck with you. Just don't try to get my bootyhole bruh"

"Nigga you lucky i aint got my fucking gun ill shot you right now pussy ass. Im trying to get in your sister guts have her saying aye papi"

"Thats what that nigga had you saying in there?"

"Nigga you want to fight"

"You better cut that shit,  it ain't too late to put your ass back in jail.  I aint pulled off yet nigga"

Karlo throws his middle finger huffing and looking out side the window

They drive to the mall smoking dolo blunts getting high as hell

"We will meet here in a hour before the storm comes"

"Alright bet"

Karlo picks him up a phone first. Then getting a much needed hair cut. When he was done he felt like a brand new man.

He racked up clothes, shoes and smell goods. What? Just because hes a thug does not mean he cant smell good.

He finds Black talking to some female

"Aye let me get the keys"

"Dam nigga you got that many bags already? We only been here like 15 minutes "

The girls eyes get big at the many bags in Karlos hand thinking she picked the wrong one. Like it was a pick and choose game.

Black hands him the keys watching the girl look at Karlo as he walked away. So Black walked away also

"Hey where you going?"

"You the type to fuck the crew type shit. I don't need my time wasted baby girl real shit"

The girl rolls her eyes walking away pissed off

"Bum ass nigga"

"What you say?"

She turns around mugging him

"I said bum ass nigga the fuck? Ain't nobody scared of you"

"Bitch go buy you something nice"

Black pulls out a stack of money pouring it over the girls head.

She stands there in shock

"Bum bitch"

Karlo is dieing laughing but stops when he sees Sassy walk in with a proper looking nigga by her side holding his hand. With her other hand occupied by a little boy

"Did she have a kid with him?"

Karlos mind was going in each and every direction at the moment.

Did she have that nigga baby?

Imma kill that pussy nigga

Karlo goes in staker mode following them around to each store

Theres no way she is feeling this lame ass nigga.

He couldnt go in Foot locker or he would have been seen so he peeked through the window.  He was trying his best to see the little boys face but no luck was given.

He watched her spilt up with the man and boy. The little boy didn't look too happy about being left with the man. He snached his arm away from the man as they walked to the direction of the food court.

"Can i try on two Pink suits please"

He watches her walk to the back to the dressing room.  He was trying to see what his next move was going to be. Just then the lights go off making him smile. He pops the lock quietly sneaking in. He was able to see her but she couldnt see him. His eye sight was much better then hers. After the accident his senses were better then before. He sees a lipstick on the floor picking it up. He was close enough he could smell the shea butter mix chicks in her hair. He breathed in her scent missing her. He wanted to take her in a much needed kiss and tell her the truth. But it wasn't the right place or time. When she was trying to figure out if someone was behind her he left a clue of him being home. Writing Baby on the mirror and sneaking back out just before the lights came back on.

He watches her rush to the boy and all three heading out the door. She was looking around like she could feel his touch.

He watched the man slam her car door and getting in his car driving off. Sassy went the opposite way

"Come on lil bru let's follow her"

They both get in the car following behind her but not too close

I hope she doesn't reject me when the time comes. Then a matter plan pops in his head

"Crazy nigga smiling for nothing"

"Its always for sumthing remember that old nigga always

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