Well Then

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"So your the famous Sassy?"

Black walks off grabbing a bottle of Hen,while I stand smirking at his sister

"The one and only sweetheart"

Karlo hadn't had pussy in so long. He felt he couldn't even count the girls he was with since it was so long ago. He wanted to get his dick wet tonight. Looking at Sassy's thick thighs wasn't making his mind go any where else anytime soon. He had to get his mind away from the different positions he would have her body in. So the second thing that came to mind came out his mouth

"Hows business?"

Sassy smirked right along with him. Knowing dam well that was not his original question.

"Relax party it up, that can wait until morning"

Sassy sees someone she needs to speak to,so she dismisses herself from the conversation. He licks his lips while watching her walk off in the tight fitting dress.


"Looking to hard bro?"

Karlo knew the voice behind him. But he didn't know if he wanted to shoot him or hug him. When he was locked up he would try to think of what would happen when he seen him again. But his mind would come up blind and he would just take his anger out on those who were around him. But the saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer ran through his mind.

Karlo turns around looking him up and down.

"Look I'm sorry for not coming to see you and all. But I had warrants I couldn't take the chance"

Karlo begins playing with his chin hair while nodding his head.

"I knew it had to be something,we straight nigga"

"My man"

They dapped up then man hug

"We brothers for life"

Karlo doesn't respond he just smiles and nods

Black walks over handing Karlo a fat blunt and a cup of white.

"To freedom"

They cheer and start the party. The night turned wild,strippers eating pussy and fucking on stage. Niggas throwing up what was once in there cup.

Sassy sat back observing making sure it didn't get to out of control for the police to pop up. She didn't want any drama tonight. If you were starting shit you were thrown out.

Black makes way to his little sister

"You did good kid"

"Well thank you"

She smiles big showing off her deep dimples

"You feeling my boy?"


Her lip lifts up with a arched eyebrow following right after it

"Chill out and stop acting like you don't know who. My man Karlo"

She smirks

"I don't like these niggas I one night for that head walk up to him put my pussy in his face like ooow in my Cardi B "

Black busts out laughing at his little sister. She has been doing this since she was young. When she didn't want to talk about something she would change subject or make a joke out of it. So he would leave her alone for now.

"What ever you say Lil one"

"Now leave me alone and stop acting like you don't see that freak bitch flicking her tongue at you over there"

Sassy puts her drink up to the bitch while chuckling

Black looks at the hoe smiling before kissing his sister on the cheek and dancing to the stripper

She shakes her head before turning down another dude that was attempting to run his lines on her. She walks away from the man before making her way to the bar. She tells the bartender she wanted 3 shots of cinnamon whiskey. While he went for the drinks she looked around at her surroundings. Karlo caught her eye. He was in the corner with a stripper receiving a lap dance. He was in to it from the lip biting he was doing. He looked over and they locked eyes for a minute. The female brought back his attention when she said something in his ear. He nodded before following her to the bathroom.

Sassy brushed off whatever she was feeling with the on coming shots she was receiving.

"Toast to my self"

"Why you looking a type of way, your to beautiful"

She looks at Gee with a bored expression on her face.

"What do you want?"

Gee's face drops

"Why you so mean to me?"

"I'm mean to all fuck niggas that try to waste my time with there words."

Her line of view goes to the stripper walking out the bathroom wiping the corners of her mouth. Karlo walks out afterwards like he had no care in the world.

Sassy takes her last shot before getting ready to leave.

"She got nothing on you and he has nothing on me"

"That's what's up. Because I don't want neither one of y'all. You have a good night sweetheart"

Black was laughing it up with Karlo when Sassy found her brother.

"Hey I'm about to get up out of here"

Before Black can say anything. Karlo beats him to it

"When your ready to leave call this number it will take you home. Here is the keys one for each. Y'all have a nice night,and please stay out of trouble"

Sassy kisses her brother's cheek whispering "I'm glad you home,keep it that way" he kisses her forehead telling to be careful. She pulls her dress up a little bit showing her banger


She walks off but before she can get to the door strong arms pull her by the waist
"Why you leaving?"
She moves from Karlos embrace quickly

"I have sit to do sweetheart"

She grabs a bottle of Goose from the sever walking around. Then grabs the stripper that gave Karlo top in the bathroom. Sassy whispers in the girls ear making the girl giggle before nodding her head while biting her lip. Sassy smiles at Karlo before walking away with her arm around the girls shoulder. She stops saying over her shoulder

"Have a nice night Zaddy"

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