Tyme So Little

21 2 5

2 years later


" Mommy!"

Sassy gives her son a look before tickling his little stomach making him bust out laughing

"Aye! Can you keep it down. I have to much work to do to get distracted with nonsense "

Sassy rolls her eyes picking her son up and taking him into the next room.

"What you want to do today lul man?"


"You got it, come on lets get you ready"

She pulls out his clothes while putting his hair into a puff ball. She gets his hair taped up but doesnt get his actual hair cut. He looked just like his father, just a  bit lighter. Sassy had not heard or seen Karlo in two years. She was depressed for awhile. But she felt he got the cookie and got on. So it seemed that was what he wanted. He got what he wanted and went ghost. Even though she was upset over the fact she still puts his money up for him. Just incase he does come back, he cant throw anything up in her face. She tried looking for him but it was like he vanished in thin air. When Kj came out he didnt have a heart beat. So the doctors thought he was gone. But Sassy had a little fighter. After a month and a half in the hospital he was finally ready to go home. She met Ques a year ago. They met at a store. The hit it off good do she saod fuck it. He proposed 2 months ago saying yes. Even if her wasn't really any it. He was a lawyer so he had no strings to the streets. He had no idea what Sassy did for a living and thats how it was going to stay. All he knew was she owned different business's.

Sassy got dressed in some army cargos with a black shirt that showed a bit of her stomach. She matched her clothes with her sons.  Putting his chain on he was ready to walk out the door.

"We are going to the park we will be back later"

He looked her up and down shaking his head

"Your going like that?"

Sassy felt insecure but didnt show it. She had gotten her stomach toned but her ass and titis got a size bigger. She was out for awhile,the doctors seen how small she was so they fattened her up while she was in the hospital. Ques always said a comment about her weight or ssid she needs to get a size bigger in clothes. Even though her clothes fit like they were supposed to.

"Yeah i am"

"No wife of mine is going to be walking around looking like a fucking hoe. Go change into one of those knee dresses i got for you"

"I am grown Jahques! I can wear what ever i want. Oh and im not your wife YET. And watch your mouth around my son!"

"Hes not my son so why the fuck would i care what comes out my mouth! Go change your fucking clothes!"

Sassy laughed a little

"You know what you got it"

She goes upstairs getting army shorts with the half black shirt. She puts on her J's jogging back down stairs

"Come on baby you ready? "


"Sassy if you leave out this house like that you will be locked out"

Sassy grabs her purse, keys and phone slamming the door on the way out.

Mumbling pussy nigga under her breath so Kj doesn't hear her.

They went and played at the park for 3 hours until Black showed up


He looks at his sister like shes a ghost. When everything happened it was worse that she couldnt turn to Black.  Just a shoulder to lean on. So she cut ties with him also.

"Sassy i know you hear me man"

Sassy picked up her son walking to the car

"Sassy! I know where Karlo is"

She stops not turning around

"Fuck him and fuck you"

She buckles Kj up fast jumping in the car speeding off

Black just sits there looking at the back of the car. And it dawns on him she had a little boy with her

"Fuck! Did she have a kid? Hell no she would have told me. Right? Yes nigga im tripping"

A older lady walks by looking at Black strange

"Are you ok son"

Black looks at her

"Uh yes mam im good"

He gets in his car dazed

"She might really have a kid"

Sassy stops to McDonald's to get food. She dines in not feeling shes stable at the moment to drive. Words kept replaying in her head

I know where Karlo is. She knew he was serious because he never used Karlos real name. It was always Blue

"Come on mamas baby. Do you want chicken nuggets or cheese burger?"

"Burger Mommy with cookies"

" Anything for you little man"

They sat and ate until they were both full. Mostly of cookies and ice-cream.

Sassy knew she wasn't going hone tonight. So she got in her car and just drove. She didnt want to go to Mamas because she didnt want to hear her mouth. So she went to her home.

Killa ran to them as soon as she put the key in. He was gentle with Kj. He just nodged him and licked him. While he jumped on Sassy

"That mean man wont let my baby come to his house"

Killa whined not use to always being alone

"Dont worry about it ill make him when we get married. Sassy looks at the huge ring on her finger

"Well thats if i go through with it"

She gives Kj a bath putting him in his pjs. She twists his hair so so wont really have to do anything tomorrow to it. Once hes in her bed with a cartoon on she washes up her self. Her phone begins to ring, its been Ques calling since she left. She turns it completely off before stepping in the steamy shower.

Getting out throwing baggy clothes on. She gets in bed curling up to Kj thsts fast asleep. Killa gets at the bottom talling asleep. She makes sure all the alarms and bedroom door is locked.

She fell asleep with one thing on her mind

I know where Karlo is

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