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Sassy sat on her bed looking at Micah. He ended up getting drunk and coming here passing out. They didnt live together,but Micah said that would change once they got married. Sassy felt it wouldn't last long even if she did actually say i do. She wanted to grab a knife and stab him in his sleep.

Black hadn't really been around, so she had nobody to run to. She knew she had completely lost Karlo. In some where she felt lost, she hasn't felt that way in a long time.

Micah raises up in his druken state with snake eyes.

"You fucking that nigga?"

She looks at him in disbelief. Everybody knew she was a virgin.

"I saw you fucking hoe. You spread your legs for him but not me. Imma teach you"

He got in her face, when she didnt look away he boxed her in her mouth. 

"I should have left your ass for the homeless men"

He hit in her rib making her cry out and tears fall from her face.

When he went to take his pants off she grabbed her phone and ran to the bathroom. She was having a hard time breathing and couldn't understand why.

She dailed her brother but it went to voicemail. She called Karlo he answered on the third ring.


His sleepy voice came through the phone

"I need your help"

He paused for a moment

"Get off my line Sassy call your husband"

He hangs up in her face

Micah breaks down the door. Lets just say the next morning her face was purple.

She didnt sleep that night. She waited for Micah to get up say his sorry and leave.

She picked herself up crying at the sight of her face.

"I told myself i would never go through this again. And look at you stupid girl.  Look at you!"

She pulled her makeup out covering it the best way she could. Before heading for her car. She pulled up to the trap getting out. She didnt speak to anybody it was like she was in a daze.

She could feel Karlos eyes on her the entire meeting but she didnt care. Every time Micah went to touch her she snached away making him angry

After the meeting Black walked to her

"Whats wrong sis?"

Karlo was in the corner unseen trying to hear the conversation

Black goes to touch her shoulder but she moves away

"Nothing just leave me alone Black"

"Baby you ready to go home"

"I said everybody leave me the fuck alone"

She stroms out getting in her car driving off

Black grabs Micah by the neck

"What the fuck you did to my sister? "

"She woke up with the shits i didnt do anything to her"

"Let me find out"

That day Sassy disappeared, no one had spoken or seen her. She didnt want to be seen. When she went back home Micah was waiting that night. They got into it because once again he was deunk out of his mind. He took a knike slashing her face leaving a scar. She waited until he passed out got all her things and Killa and left. She looked over her business through cameras. She changed her number and moved to a tropical island for peace. She felt if no body was with her then they were against her.

Karlo started kiling people for breathing wrong and Black went off to find his baby sister. Karlo was taking it bad

"You dont need her! You just need these dead presidents. She left you, you dont need her"

"Boss Henry got robbed and is in critical condition at the hospital"

"Go to the hospital and finish the job. I dont need no weak people on my team"

"But boss he just had a baby"

"Well now his baby is a bastard. Send a basket of baby stuff and some money for the mother. Then send flowers for his casket.

"Yes boss"

The young boy went to hospital getting him and his family out of town. Telling him to never return. His boss was heartless, after he lost Sassy its like his heart stopped beating. He would look at the video when he was drugged up. He would get mad everytime he watched it. The words that were said,that came out his mouth. He was mad at his self. Even madder Sassy was ignoring him for 2 years now. He missed her he couldn't lie.

It took a year for Black to pin point Sassy's location.

He walked on the sandy beach looking for the house. At the end of the beach sat a nice size house.  But before he could walk closer a gun was pressed to his neck.

"State your business"

"Here to find my sister"

He talks spainsh on the phone. He removes the gun from Blacks neck pushing him lightly to the house.

Sassy walks on the porch with a towel wrapped around her.

"Long time no see"

He grabs his sister and they share a hug.

"I missed you dont ever do that shit again. I need to show you something"

Black had stolen the video that replays over and over in Karlos head. Black pops it in pressing play. Sassy looks it over bringing her hand to cover her mouth. She felt stupid. She felt at fault

"Now you see he wasn't fucking off. The girl set him up drugging him. You need to come back,hes fucked up without you"

Sassy shakes her head before sitting down on the swing moving back and fourth enjoying the breeze. She watches Diego walk off the porch. She met him andchis four brothers when she first moved. She ended up putting them on payroll.

"He doesn't want me Black, the last time i called him it didnt end well. Just let me be hes probably happy right now. I dont want to fuck that up. Something always gets in the way, it will always be like that. The fates dont want us together "

Black looks the scar over on her face but he doesn't comment on it. It actually made her look more beautiful.

She walks away to wash leaving her brother in his thoughts, on how to get her back home. He pulls out his phone making a phone call.

"Yeah, i found her. But i need your help man"

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