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"You had my son Sassy?"

He sits there waiting for a response that never comes.

"Come on mamas baby let's get you some cereal and put a movie on"

"Ok mommy"

Kj can't keep his eyes off the man that looks like him. But he does what his mama says so he doesn't get into trouble. She scoops him up in her arms making him laugh taking him down stairs fixing him a bowl of fruit loops. Placing him in his dinner chair table in the living room. She grabs her phone putting the camera on to watch him from upstairs. She wanted to talk in her room because it's sound proof

When she gets back in her room Karlo is pacing the room. He looks to the sound of the door closing.

"How could you Sassy? How could you not tell me i had a fucking son? What did i do so fucking bad?"

He had tears pouring down his face at this point

Sassy looked at him with disbelief and tears in her eyes

"Are you serious right now Karlo? You left me! You wouldn't answer your phone, i looked for you not being able to find you. Had me thinking you didn't want to be found. I cry almost every fucking night for you. Do you know the night i was calling your phone over and over again i needed you! You were not there and Black was not there. I was alone and scared out my mind. But guess what i had nobody to turn to. The pain was unbearable and you know what they said before i passed out from a seizure i was having a still born Karlo. I wake up to a baby crying that I've had to raise on my own because his fucking daddy didnt want me anymore but was to selfish to tell me"

When he hears that all his anger washes away. This told him that she truly didn't know he was in jail

He walks to her pulling her into his chest. She fights until shes tired and eventually gives in to the embrace.

"Look at me Sassy"

Her stubborn self remains on his chest

"I. Said. Look. At. Me. Sassy"

She sniffles looking up to his height to see the hurt in his eyes

"Baby i want to spend the rest of my life with you. I didn't mean to leave you. I was set up in the hospital parking lot. Ive been locked up all this time. I would never leave you by choice ma. I love the fuck out yo crazy ass. I tried calling you changed your number. I tried writing but

He walks to his bag grabbing a bag filled with a letter for each day he was gone.

She stood there in shock and anger. She should have known better. She should have been holding him down instead of playing pretend with a nigga she didnt even like

"Im sorry Karlo i didnt know. I should have been there"

"Shut that shit up you didn't know baby. Just always have faith in me ma. You need to talk to Black also. He wasn't in a good state when you called that night. He was in a shot out with some body"

Sassy drops her head in shame wanting to go hide from her stupidity in her head. She was out her brothers life almost 3 years because of this. She treated him like a random the day she seen him on the park. She felt so bad over everything.

"You know you scared me right?"

She looks at him in confusion

"What did i do?"

"I seen you with that nigga in the mall yesterday the shit made me think you truly moved on. Then i seen my son but i thought he was his. It really fucked me up seeing that shit"

"Can i be honest"


Despite his words his heart sped up not wanting to hear any bad news

"Ive never been sexual with any one but you. Ques asked me to marry him 8 months in. We've been together for a year. But it seemed like as soon as i said yes to him he changed. Telling me what to wear, where i can go,  he wears the pants i dont know he just gets controlling. I was staying at his house a little while. He wanted me to sell my home completely so i made him think i did. He didn't want Killa to his house he told me sell him. Then Kj told me last night he didn't like him. He wouldn't give me a reason he just said he didn't like him. But at the same time he never really had anything to do with him"

"Fuck him baby daddys home. But has he ever asked about me?"

"When i try to talk to him about a father he changes the subject. He isn't your typical 2 year old he is very smart. Oh and his birthday is next month on the 3rd"

"Do you think he will have something to do with me?"

She looks at her phone where he continues to sit watching cartoons cearl to the side.

"Go ask and see baby daddy"

She gets up about to walk out the door. He smacks her ass running down the stairs laughing his ass off

He sends a quick text to Black before sitting next to Kj. Karlo takes a deep breath before he speaks. He just hoped he didn't fuck this up.

Sassy takes some things out to cook later but makes Karlo a breakfast plate. She also makes Kj and her self a small plate for just incase. Just as she is putting the rest of the bacon on the plates the door bell rings. Who the hell is out in a dam storm. She wipes her hands off walking to the door swinging it opened

Her eyes light up while he has a smirk

"Is it still fuck me little sis?"

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