Thats It

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"Man what the fuck did you do to my sister? Got her mean ass fuck right now"

Blacko stroms in Karlos office looking like a bull.

Karlo continues to lay on his back rubbing his temples while Black fusses. Karlo was zoning him out. He was trying to remember what happened last night. He woke up in the bathroom. When he got out it was a brown skin female on his bed. He woke her up kicking her out. She tried her best to fuck but he wasn't hearing it.

"Nigga! Is you listening to me?"

"Man what dam!"

"You know what fuck it then"

Just as Black sits down Sassy walks in with Deon and Micah

Karlo hops up making him dizzy. When hes able to focus he sees the no emotion Sassy. His eyebrows run together,looking concerned and confused

"Whats up bae?"

"Dont call me that. Im here on business. Please sit down"

He still has a confused look but he listens to her

"Ok lets get to it. We are partners, i understand i can not get out of that. So i will be working in my own building while you work this one. All profits will be spilt between four like it has been. There will be no communication unless its about work. You are just another worker to me. See me in the streets one head nod is acceptable. Other than that there should be no words.  Alright any questions?"

He hits the table standing up eyes blazing

"Man chill out with this, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

Sassy stands up meeting his eyes

"I hope she was worth it"

She walks out the room and walks out of Karlos life

Micah walks up smiling

"Thanks for making it that easy for me to slide back in"

He walks out with the cocky smirk on his face. Karlo looks to Black thats shaking his head at the matter

"What did i do B?"

Black pats him on the back

"I told you to get right, it might be to late boss"

He walks out leaving Karlo

Karlo slams and locks the door,dropping to his knees. Letting the tears from over the years fall.

Sassy walks in her house locking herself away from the world around her. She hasn't felt this much pain in so long.

The days turn into weeks, weeks turn to months, months turn into years. Each day Karlos turned to ice. But everytime he seen Sassy his heart turned bitter. He wasn't the reason for the smile on her face. He was lonely,every female he might see his self with was temporary. He used them to fill the void he felt in his life. A body to lay next thats warm. Company to pretend he was happy with. Somebody to flex with when Sassy was around. But the next morning or next week they were a forgotten memory. His feelings were disappearing slowly but surely. While he was soaking in his misery. Sassy was pretending to be happy with Micah. He caught her on a bad night. He was her shoulder to cry on. He was the ear to listen,he was her pretend Karlo.

Everything happens for a reason right? Maybe this wasn't the case
Maybe just maybe there was hope even if it might be in a differnt life time.

"Yo Sassy!"

Micah makes his way in Sassy's house. He finds her in her bed laying down.

He looks at her for a moment before ripping the cover off her body

"Where the fuck he at?"

She sighs to her self

"Who Micah?"

"Stop fucking playing with me"

She watches him look under the bed, closet, bathroom. When she thinks he sees no body else is here, he walks to tge bed snatching her up by her hair.

"Who the fuck you had in here Sassy?"

"Nobody Micah! Why are you so insecure about Karlo?"

He slaps her to the floor

"Don't ever say that niggas name in my presence hoe"

He leaves her there walking out the house.  She picks her self up from the ground, cleaning the blood from her nose. She locks her self in the bathroom. Crying softly,she vowed to herself that she would never go through this again.

Few minutes later he was knocking on the door, begging to be let in. This was a routine that was getting tired real fast.

He would cry it out saying he would never do it again.  Bottom line she missed Karlo. But both were scared to admit it.

She got dressed to pretend some more. Walking out fully dressed and ready for dinner with the workers.

Micah ran to her side pulling her along with him. She felt he loved meeting up with everybody to show she belonged to him. To show Karlo who she belonged to.

"You know im sorry baby"

"I know its fine"

She tries to walk away but he grabs her back

"I love you"

"You to, lets go before we are late"

He kisses her lips but she doesn't kiss back.  She walks out the door getting in the car. Killa grows at Micah

"Shut up before you get shot"

He walks to the driver side, he believes she shouldn't drive when hes around. In honesty she didnt want him in her car especially not driving it.

They get to the restaurant,just about everybody is there

Karlo keeps his eyes on Sassy the entire night. Something was different he couldn't put his finger on it. Mama walks to him looking angry

"I see you still didn't make your move. Got her around with that stupid boy"

"Its her choice"

She pops the back of his neck

"Fix this before i kidnap her from all of you"

They sit down enjoying the food, but Karlo cant stop looking at Sassy. All night she has been dodging Micahs touch. She hasn't even looked at anybody lost in her mind. Her weight was dropping from Micah calling her fat, her eyes had dark circles from staying up all night crying. Karlo looked at Micah that was flirting with a girl next to him.  They mey eyes making Micah smile. He got up fixing his clothes.

"I would like to say something."

He got down on one knee grabbing Sassys hand.

"You know i love you and i want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me"

Sassy almost rolled her eyes but thought twice about the outcome if she did. I guess she took to long because he squeezed her hand painfully. She looks in his pleading eyes. She wanted to cry so she did. Karli was on edge waiting for her answer.

"Yes Micah i will marry you"

Karlo got up as everybody cheered walking out the room

He wouldn't see her again until his 21st birthday. Out of sight out of mind

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