The End

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They sit in the hospital waiting for any news. Sassy was worried about Zuna's health,but her mind was steady on this Queen person. Did her mother get her life together and start a entire new family. She remembered this man coming around when she was little. But the shit was a blur. She tried to put her childhood behind her. She felt like crying when she thought of parents. The one person she thought was on side, the one lady that she actually started calling mama wanted to kill her. The shit hurt even if she wouldn't dare show it. She just knew that when the time came she would have to be the person that pulled the trigger.

She would have to put her feelings aside and treat her like one of these niggas in the streets.

Karlo squeezed her knee cap seeing she's been in her own world for to long. He kisses her neck when that does nothing to her. She looks up in his eyes giving him a small smile.

"You good?"

"As long as I got you I'm always good"

"Corny ass, you remember when we first met you wanted to play all day"

He mugs her slightly remembering how she played hard to get

"Nigga that was you, then I throw you a party. What you do? Get fucking head in the bathroom that's what"

He smirks

"Hold the fuck up, if I remember correctly you took that bitch from me and took her home and got you some head"

She smiles shrugging

"Shit don't get mad I could get and can get more hoes than you"

"Stop itttt, that was just one bitch"

They were the only ones in the room. Everybody else left to get food and went to change in more comfortable clothes

A cute brown skin nurse with a stupid booty walks in on her phone not paying any attention to the two in the room

"I bet you 10 grand that hoe right there will deny that ass and I get that number"

Karlo rubs his hands together smiling

"Ight bet"

Sassy walks out the room so the nurse doesn't think anything

Karlo walks up to her she looks to the side seeing somebody stand next to her

"Can I help you?"

"Yea baby girl you can help me by putting that number in my phone. I just want to take you out and treat you like the Queen you deserve to be treated as. So how about it?"

The nurse busts out laughing before grabbing her snack walking away while shaking her head.

"The fuck"

Sassy walks in just as the nurse is about to walk out falling in to each other.

"Oh my my bad sweetheart I wasn't paying attention. Are you ok?"

Sassy helps her up

"Yeah I'm ok, I wasn't paying attention either"

"You are gorgeous baby girl"

The nurse looks down blushing

"Thank you, I'm KayKay"

"Sassy, it's a pleasure to meet you"

"Ugh I've never done this before"

"Speak your mind sweets"

"Can I get your number, maybe we can go out some time"

"Absolutely here"

She grips Sassy's phone in get sweaty hands putting her number in it. The nurse kisses her cheek before blushing and walking away fast. Sassy sits next to a mad Karlo. He grabs her phone deleteing the number out of it.

"Noooooo, you hear me nooooo"

He grabs her cheeks wiping the kiss off her cheek. When he's done he slams back with his she crossed.

"Awe my baby"

She goes to kiss him but he puts his hand on her forehead stopping her.

A doctor comes in clearing the air from all playfulness.

"Hello I'm doctor Jefferson, I hate to be the one to tell you this but Mr Thomas passes away. We did everything we could but it wasn't good enough, I'm sorry"

Sassy drops her head not knowing how she she should feel. The doctor walks out not saying a another word to the pair. Sassy gets up

"Baby where you going?"

"To find my so called sister"

Yes this is the ending of this book. This book runs into my next book His Unthinkable. I want to thank every body that gave love I truly appreciate it cough booksrlife94 lol. But the first chapter for that book is up. Again thank you

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