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"You have a sister, you have a sister, you have a sister named Queen"

Sassy lays in bed smoking her 9th blunt. Karlo lays asleep passed out from the amazing sex they encounted a few hours ago. Sassy put her built up frustrate in the session tonight. But she didn't wear herself out enough to get any sleep.

She plays in his hair while smoking her life away. She couldn't get in her head that she might have a sister. Thinking about it he was the man on the phone. How did he know anything about her? It seemed he knew more about her family history then he did. She hears a tap on her door. Grabbing one of Karlo's big shirts that's on the bed. It drops down passed her knees.

Opening the door Blacko stands at the door.

"Who the fuck is the old ass nigga taking about we got a sister and shit. I told the nigga I have one sister. Muthafucker gone laugh then say. You find her the war will stop. Nigga fuck you taking in riddles for?"

Sassy shakes her head sitting down on the couch.

"He told me I remind him of our mother at the meeting then when I came down from the roof he told me the same thing. Oh and her name is Queen"

"Did you try looking her up?"

"Naw want to?"

"Hell yeah"

Sassy goes to the bed room quietly throwing on some comfortable clothes. Grabbing the laptop out her bag. She was glad she remembered to grab the laptop. IP address jumps every 1 second so it can't get a stable location.

She closes the door quietly putting the laptop down on the table in front of Blacko. She goes to the kitchen making a pot of coffee. Since it seems there will be no sleep tonight.

Handing him a cup with no milk but sugar. Then sits her own creamer and sugar one on the table.

"You got another one of these?"

"Oh yeah I did grab another one from the house. Stop im high as fuck don't judge me"

She rushes back in the room grabbing the other one from Karlo's bag. She grabs her bag of already rolled blunts so they can have a smoke session.

"Let's get to it"

He smirks taking his already rolled blunts out.

"You know you my dam sister "

She laughs before sparking up and opening the laptop

"Man we've been at this shit for hour and fucking nothing. It's too many bitches with the name Queen. The closes one to our area is in some fucking crazy house for offing her parents and uncle."

"When we see him again we just have to get more information. Because just off the name Queen isn't going to work"

Karlo comes out the room rubbing his eyes trying to wake his self up. He blinks a few times to focus on what is in front of him.

He looks between the two and the Smokey ass room with coffee cups every where

Sassy was just happy that he put on joggers instead of coming out naked

"So my baby didn't sleep last night?"

Sassy bites her lip getting turned on by the fire in his eyes. On the low she loved when he got in protective mode.

He kisses his teeth picking her up taking her back in the room.

"Let's go we need to wash and get ready. I'll get in that ass when we done"


"Ol nasty ass, fuck it I'll give you a quicky in the shower"

She claps running to the bathroom hopping in the shower. She forgot she even had clothes on

"Childish ass, Aye! Black you better get out your sister likes to scream"

Karlo laughs when he hears the door slam shut.

A hour later there dressed and walking out the door. Only difference Sassy has a little limp. While Karlo has a smile on his face.

They walk in the room where everybody is seated in the same places as they were yesterday.

"Ok so we have located Deon and Gee"

"Would about there girlfriends. I feel they have much to do with it to"

Akoni laughs

"You know when truth comes out blood will spill cousion"

"So your my cousin?"

"Yup and big head over there"

Sassy locks eyes with a small smiling Calí

"Well dam"

"We can talk about that later. Get this, Gee and Deon is fucking the same bitch. She has became two different people to them"


"Karlo she's the stripper you put out all those years ago. So she linked up with the niggas that couldn't stand you including Micah."

"I'm mind fucked"

"Yeah I was to when I figured the links. So this is the plan"

Akoni's phone rings where she walks out side. Everybody else talks among themselves of what they just learned. Sassy turns to the old man that has the same smirk he always wears

"Where is my sister"

Before he can speak he feels his heart beat faster and throat go dry. He goes to take a sip of water but drops the water midair grabbing his chest. Sassy pushes him back so he doesn't fall forward. But he ends up slideing out his chair trying to catch his breath

"Somebody call the ambulance NOW!"

H we grabs her shirt bringing her closer so no one can hear

It takes everything in Karlo not grab Sassy thinking she is in harm's way

"She has been framed, they have changed her! She is becoming a monster. Find her before it's to late. They have her locked up where she's not meant to be"

When he done with his words he falls back passing out leaving Sassy speechless.

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