Feel Mi Pain

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Sassy has been quiet for the past 2 weeks. When Sassy is quiet theres a strom in the brew. She hasn't spoken to anybody but Karlo, Black and Kj. She went the next day to get Kj from mamas house. Not saying a word to Mama because even after she asked her not to have Micah around her son she still went with the saying im grown and can do what she pleases. Sassy respects it but she has half say so when it comes to Kj. So her other half said take bring him with her.  Mama caught a attitude saying he's never done anything to Kj. How could she be so selfish and make him leave. Sassy didnt say anything in return. Grabbing her son, his things and Killa before she left out.

Sassy and Karlo have been staying with Black. There house was trashed from every room. They  broke everything standing. Holes in the wall, spray paint on the walls,  mattresses with holes cut down the middle of it etc. She was just thankful Killa wasn't there. They probably would have killed or kidnapped him.

Her mind was working over time in drive. He messed with the wrong person. He was going to feel her pain they all were.


"Did you kill her or not? I aint heard shit about a bitch being dead yet. They about to hear about one thou"

"I don't know daddy,  Karlo was behind her with out my knowledge. I just know she hit the tree hard as hell. I didn't stop and check or they would have killed me"

He throws the glass cup of liquor against the wall hes been nursing
for the past hour and a half

"Bull shit!"

"Its ok there staying with Blacko's pussy ass"

"That doesn't help me bitch!"

"Stop getting mad at me dam. Your the one that was supposed do things right and differently and fucked up now you blaming me for the shit"

"You right baby come here,  im sorry man"

She walks to him unsure of his reasons. She didn't trust his ass far as she could throw him shit she was double teaming her dam self. So if you can't trust yourself who can you trust?

When she gets close he grabs her by the neck adding pressure. Tears stream down her face from the lack of oxygen she's able to get. She claws at his hands trying to get him to let go

"Bitch you ever talk to me like that again i will fucking kill you. Understand? "

She nods the best way she can before he throws her to the floor to catch her breath

"Now get the fuck out my face"

Kj's Birthday a week later

"You just had to get the lul nigga a fucking horse Sassy"

"Watch what you call him and you dame skippy that's my baby"

Black looks st all the dam kids running in and out his house. He couldn't lie they did there thing with the party. It made him smile because him and Sassy never had this before. He himself spoils the hell out of him. He got him 6 pairs of Jordans, 10 outfits,  basketball goal  and a black on black mini Hummer with custom made rims. His name was across the hood in diamonds. Sassy cursed him out when she found out the price he was trying his best to hide. But hey its just money you can't take it with you when you die.

Sassy and Karlo watch out the window while Kj is petting the horse.


They knew there lifes would be endanger. They just didn't know to what extent.

After the party is over they clean up and get Kj ready for bed not knowing what there conquest would be the next day.

"You ready baby?"


She puts on fitty cao with some glasses and men clothes. She knew this could be her last but it didnt matter. She kissed Kj one more time before walking out the doir accepting the urber alert.

Getting in the beat up car and driving off with Karlo and Black behind her

"This is your Uber driver im on the way now"

"Can you please hurry up, something aint right and i need to get outta here fast and a hurry"

Sassy rolls her eyes saying ok. Hanging the throw away phone up and tossing it in the seat next to her.

When she pulls up Micah is hidden in the shadows. When he sees the car he starts walking to it looking around

The phonr rings a again but its a worker this time. She ignores the call since Micah has made it to the car.

"Wassup take to the docks"

Sassy smiled not looking back this worked out better than she could plan. That was where she was taking him from the beginning.


"The fuck you mean its going to take a fucking hour bitch I'm on my way there now!"

"Your nothing more than a fuck up hoe. Should choke yo ass out again. Hurry the fuck up! Dumb bitch"

He throws his phone out of anger.

"Everything good sir"

"Yeah, just mistakes of not treating the right girl right. Now these the type of hoes im dealing with. I just hope its not to late to fix my wrongs that i almost made with her life"

He sits back lost in thought while Sassy is trying to understand what his words mean.

They get to the dock. Sassy gets out leaving Micah confused since hes on child lock.

Sassy hops in Karlos car with no words. Karlo and Black get out opening the door letting both clips empty in Micahs body.

They dash the car with gasoline and light a match. Sitting there for a minute watching the car and his body go up in flames.

"Its over baby girl"

"Its never over papi,  you know that"

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