PayBack But Ill Play Nice😏... For Now

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Sassy walked back and forth with just a towel on. Biting her nails thinking everything over that just happened.  The sit blew her fucking mind.

"How the fuck could he just kill the nigga? Maybe it wasn't ment to be right. Maybe he saved me from heartbreal. Maybe i should tell him how i feel. If he doesn't feel the same way i still wont have any regrets. Weve been playing this game long enough. I mean i wanted him to say or do something first. But this is a new century,a female can speak and make the first move. His slow ass aint going to do it"

She jumps from her ringing phone from being in her thoughts. Seeing its Frank from the main trap, she answers"


"Uh boss Blue down here going crazy. Uh now he just grabbed his keys grumbling to his self walking out the door and there's blood all over him. Nigga set a body on fire and laughed the entire time. Something is on his mind heavy ma"

Sassy sighs to herself,hanging up the phone. Throwing whatever on that she sees.

Jogging downstairs for her phone, keys and gun. Killa comes whining, she pats his head softly  feeling sad that shes leaving him again

"Ill be right back if everything goes right ill have my man to"

Killa barks waging his tail getting happy, even if he didn't really like the boy

When she gets to his house all the lights are off but the front room light.  Looking through the window she can see Karlo with his head back on the couch and Alinas head going up and down
The door is unlocked so she walks in quietly. They dont hear a thing. All she could ask her self is why did my feelings get involved hes just like the rest.

"Man right there dam!"

Dam i keep forgetting the bitch name

"Alina stop playing im not in the mood"

oh yeah that's the little bitch name

"Aye Alina!"

Alina pops up only to be shot in the arm and hand. She cries out falling on the couch,like bitch shut up it aint hurt thst bad

"Pow bitch, so you thought you could just kill my date then get head from your bitch. Who does that shit stupid ass"

Sassy looks side ways while he tends to Alina's injury looking concerned

"What the fuck Sassy! What the fuck you talking about, she wasn't giving me fucking head. She dropped her fucking earring"

Sassy stands there with her mouth opened rubbing the gun on her arm

"Oh well sorry not sorry,so why the fuck you got the bitch living with you? She got a whole house two streets over"

"Man thats none of your fucking business,you not my bitch the fuck.  Crazy ass"

She laughs to herself

"You choosing this bitch? You that fucking mad because i shot the little bitch.  You know what fuck you and the bitch. Better get her to the hospital i hit the main shit in her arm pussy ass"

With that she walks off



She looks at him with murder in her eyes

"You got to take her my tire flat"

Breath in breath out Sassy, dont be petty you did do the shooting

"Bring the bitch before i say no"

"Stop calling her out her name"

This nigga ow im done with this shit.

She drives 80 to the hospital. Hitting the button that opens the door and moves the seat. She doesn't even stop,there thrown out the car and she keeps going. No worries

Fuck that nigga itll be all work no play he got a bitch now. Killa runs to her when she gets back to the house,he looks behind her and whines when he sees nobody else getting out the car

"Fuck him baby daddy i dont need him"

He looks at her unsure while she thinks shes crazy.

"I went to talk to him about my feelings after he shot a nigga that could have been mine oneday. I should have killed his bitch. "

Curling up with her main man watching love and hip hop.

The next day Sassy got dressed and went to the trap. Like nothing happened

When she walks in Black is on the couch shaking his head at Karlo. Karlo has Alina on his lap feeding her fruit. She rolls her eyes. When Alina sees her she smirks then puts a sad face on.

Stupid bitch

"Baby i dont think its a good idea for her to be working with us. She might make you hot"

Black raises his eyebrows

While Sassy waits for his answer that hes paused on.

"Naw she good chill out"

She pouts but doesn't say anything else

"You know what Blue, i think we should make another trap in my truff. So there will be no problems. You run this ill run that one. When its time to count up we meet and leave"

Karlos eyes bug out

"Naw you my partner you good here. What if something happens over that way?"

"I mean i can do what i please. As a homie or whatever i was just letting you know of my plans. I have my own bread and resources and plenty of people on my team.  Ill make that move when i come back in town"

He sits back playing with his chin hair watching her like a hawk

"That sounds great dont you think baby?"

"We will talk"

"Oh when do we leave? I need to pack"

Sassy shakes her head, since shes his bitch this will be first and last trip she makes with Karlo

"Ill see yall later i need to stop by mamas house and check out the work thats being done"

"Ill ride with you sis"

Sassy walks out to go talk to one of the workers. Black shakes his head.

"Your pride bruh is going to fuck you up. Its on you thou,your life your choices even if i think there dum.  You have to live with them"

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