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"So are we going to work this out? You know move in with eachother"

Sassy looks at a sad Ques. Its been 2 months. They have been going on dates spending time with eachother trying to get some kind of spark back. But Sassy just wasn't to fond of the idea of staying together. She felt when he said if you walk out that door im locking the door was another way of saying this is my house. If you dont like it ill lock your ass out until i get my way.

"You know how i feel about you Sassy. Come on lets go to the mall find Kj something to wear for his birthday party. We can talk about this later"

"Ok just let me get dressed and ill be on my way to you "

She hangs up the facetime call with him going upstairs to get dressed. She picks a summer dress that will probably piss him off. But she never cared what people thought of what she wore and she wasn't about to start now. If he didn't like it he could go fuck his self she was her own person.

Kj was already dressed. He was on his bed in his room playing with his tablet quietly

She had already taken a shower before Kj had gotten up so she just slipped the dress on with her sandals. She lets her hair down adding some mix chicks leave in conditioner so her hair doesn't dry out when she walks outside.  Doing a bit of natural make up with lip gloss. She puts no jewelry but some diamond studs.

Going to the closet grabbing a arm purse throwing her phone, charger, wallet and loose money inside.

"You ready baby?"

"Yes Mami"

They hold hands out the door getting in the car . She buckles him in making sure he was safely secure. Kissing his forehead before shutting the car door.

Ques is waiting on his phone by his car. As soon as Sassy gets out the car he hangs up. Sassy puts a small smirk on seeing his anger that hes trying to mask.

"Hey sweetheart, let me get Kj out and then we can go"

He grits his teeth with a fake smile as he nods his head. He can already feel men looking at her. He didnt understand why she was so hard headed. Why couldn't she do what he asked of her.

"Hey Kj my boy"


Ques went to pick him up but Kj moved back. So Ques pretended something was on his shoe to play it off. He grabbed Sassy's hand while Kj grabbed the other one.

They walked in looking like a little family. Only problem was it wasn't Ques family.

"Lets go in here baby"

Sassy mentally rolled her eyes at the old fashion store. He was going to get her things that she was never going to wear. They would be stuck in the back of the closet. Hell they would be lucky if they mad it out the bag.

Sure enough he picks ten dam dresses and 3 loose pants for Sassy to put on.

She let him have his moment without acting a fool. She didn't want to argue today.

"Im going to go put these things in my car"

Sassy smiles fake nodding her head

"Ok you go a head and do that "

Sassy walks away to the Foot locker place getting matching  shoes for her and Kj.

"I want these Mommy"

"You got it"

"Hello can i help you?"

Sassy tells the sizes she needs in a couple of shoes she picks up

"Alright illbe right back"

He looks Sassy up and down but she pays him no mind

"Socks Mommy"

Sassy pretends to hit her head

"Duh how could i possibly forget socks.  Good thinking"

She picks up socks thst go with the shoes

"You spoil him to much"

"Its not spoiling and i am i can. Its my money to spend on him"

"Im just saying Sassy, anything the boy points at you run and get"

"We are not about to do this right now Ques. Why are you counting my money anyway?"

"Im not counting, i just don't want you to go broke"

Sassy chuckles he has no idea of how much money she rakes in. She puts his money to shame if you want to be honest

"Ok Ques"

"You know what i want you to go broke so i can take care of you"

The man returns with the shoes

"Nigga i got 123456789 in my bank account. Ill never go broke even if i tried. You will never have to take care of me believe that. We will always by straight with or without a man. The fuck"

The boy tries not to laugh

"You can take that up please"

Ques follows looking mad all over again

"That will be $549.90"

"Thank you and add the people thats already in line"

The boy smirks looking behind her to the five people in line shoes.


"No issue "

"You have a nice day sweetheart "

"Thank you"

Sassy could see Ques about to say something

"Dont try it he'll beat you honey"

Sassy walks away hearing the boy tell them there shoes were taking care of. They continue shopping in silence.

Ques sees Sassy eye the Victoria Secret Store she Kj looks tired

"Hey little guy want to go get pizza?"

Kj nods

"How about me and him go get food and you go in there and we meet up at the food court "

Sassy looks at him uneasy. Shes never let him be alone with her child.

"Ok 15 minutes the most"

"Ok ill go ahead and order for you to"

Lighting strikes outside making the lights flicker


Sassy kisses Kj on the head walking away

"Ill kill him if he plays with me"

Sassy mumbles under her breath

She walks in the store picking up a few things

"Mam can i try those pink suits on?"

"Oh yes, i think that red one will look so good on you"

She gives Sassy the key to the changing room

Sassy undresses about to put the clothes on. Lighting strikes again making the lights go off and it goes pitch black. Sassy could have sworn she felt somebody behind her. She put her arms out but felt nothing. The hair on the back of her neck stood up when the cold breeze blew past neck. She almost closed her eyes but it makes her look back fast. Just then the lights came on. Nobody was there. Her heart beat was rubling in her ears

She looked in the mirror there wrote Baby in pink lipstick.

"Was that there?"

She said fuck the clothes and left in search for her son. But she couldnt shake the feeling somebody was watching her

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