Beautiful Beyond The Eye

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"You look beautiful"

"Thank you Karlo, but you should be by your girlfriend. I don't want or need anymore issues with her. Im your friend and this comes from my heart, you can do so much better"

She walks away leaving him in his thoughts. Looking at her goof off with Deon and Micah didnt make it feel any better.

"Your limo waits outside"

The journey took 2 hours

They pulled up to a secluded restaurant. It was beautiful on the out side. Lights here and there, a water fountain dead in the middle,palm trees surrounding the place. In the back you could see the jungle.

Stepping in to the room all eyes watch them to make sure they are here because they are supposed to be. Josè walks to them with Tiger hot on his trail.

"You made it,come we are about to start the dinner"

Once again he pulls Sassy with him sitting her to his left next to the head table. Every one looks on but doesn't dare say anything.

Josè began telling Sassy who each person was, what there cartel name was. There rank along with status of there cartel. Micah sat next to her listening to all the information that was giving.

If you walked in this room you would think its a large group having dinner. In this room sat the most dangerous men and women in the world. Sassy couldnt help but watch the only woman cartel. She went by Ivy, she had no brothers so the cartel was passed down to her. She probably had to fight the most because of what was between her legs. She sat talking to the men around her like she wasn't a full blown killer. She is one of 12 sisters, there father passed down the business showing her the ins and out. She made her sisters into savages along with her. When she got her name out therw nobody fucked with her. Dont get me wrong she wasn't the strongest Cartel out there Josè and his brother were but she came close. Sassy wanted that, she wanted loyalty and respect. Little did she know Karlo wanted the same he didn't want his great great great great grandkids to have to work. Sassy wanted it so nobody could hurt her again.

"This is what I'm taking about Blue! They welcome her with open arms but fuck the rest. You keep putting trust in her she is going to take your money right under your nose"

Karlo threw his napkin in his plate pissed off. Not only for the embarrassment but she questioned Sassy's in front of every Cartel head person. Right when they are trying to make a deal. If they almost thought they weren't loyal a bullet would be brought to them all.

"Is there a problem niña?"

"Yes why do you show more attention to her"

Sassy grips the table hard making her knuckles turn white

"I see everyone as a equal"

"Lies im so tired of this bitch!"

Alina attempts to jump the table to get to Sassy. But all 50 people besides Micah, Deon and Karlo have there guns drawn on her. She freezes once she sees this.

"I think it's time for us to go. Thank you so much for inviting us. And im so sorry for all this"

Sassy gets up about to walk off. Josè wraps his hand around her arm bringing her back to him

"Thank you for coming, and this does not effect what are deal is. Ill be you soon chica"

Sassy nods before stroming to the limo. Everybody else is already in there looking heated.

"Yall mad at me for telling the truth? Im trying to help you out!"

Sassy snatches her heels off along with her ear rings. They wrapping her hair up. Deon and her meet eyes he gives her one nod.

Sassy grabs her by the hair slamming her head in the window. Alina scraches in a attempt to defend heself. But Sassy brings nothing but blows to her mouth,eyes and head. She gets one more good grip on her head throwing it back in the window making is shatter. Alina passes out making her happy that she doesn't have to hear her voice for the remaining of the ride. Karlo lights a blunt passing it to Sassy that gladly takes it. Sassy looks in the mirror at the one long scratch coming down her left eye.

"Stupid bitch"

Her eyes lock with Karlos,he shakes his head mouthing sorry

When they get back Sassy goes to her room shutting them all out.

Micah mugs a still crying Alina before switching to Karlo

"Handle that or i will"

Alina rolls her eyes at the back of Micah

"come on baby,come clean me up"

He waits until they get into the room before saying something

"I just dont understand why everybody is mad at me"

He grabs her by the throat pushing her into the door

"What the hell was you thinking? You don't ever question loyalty around the fucking plug! Are you that fucking stupid? You so fucking jealous the shit don't make no sense. You could have got all us killed tonight."

He noticed she was turning purple so he let her go looking at his hands while she tries to catch air

"I cant do this anymore. Ive never put my hands on a female. You brought this out of me. That means your no good for me. When we get back forget about me Alina, my heart lays some where else. This was a mistake,my feelings was never there for you. I guess i still viewed you as that little girl. It hurt that i couldn't save you back then maybe thats the reason why i tried to save you now"

He picks her up putting her on the bed kissing her forehead, walking out the room to Sassy's. When he gets there Micah is at the door with a smiling Sassy.

"Can we stop playing and you be my girl?"

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