Keep Playing

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"So you having wet dreams about my sister nigga and shit? Aint nobody want to hear about that shit, nasty ass nigga.  The fuck is wrong with you?"

"Man fuck the dream, i want to know how the fuck i fell asleep. Shit dont make no fucking sense to me"

"Maybe your body shut down or some shit. Or nigga maybe you was just sleepy and shit. But keep playing you gone lose my sister. These niggas is serious about her. Shit even Micah, that nigga had fucked up back in day but shit they was kids still. That nigga grown now and he got his eyes set on her. Keep playing and don't get me started on that nigga Deon he liked her since we was jits. Micah did the shit dirty i aint about to lie to you. Everybody knew he had feelings but was to scared to say that shit to her. Micah always had that fuck it, if it happens it happens mentally. It ended up working in his favor. He got the girl in the end leaving Deon fucked up"

"Ok ok dam nigga I get it. On some real shit ah nigga scared to commit. Like what if i get her and fuck it up?"

"Not Mr bad ass that kill a nigga for breathing. He scared of commitment,hell naw. If you fuck up i fuck you up simple"

Black sits back laughing hitting the blunt looking at Karlo through chinked eyes

"Man fuck you ol ugly ass nigga always got all the jokes and shit"

Sassy walks in looking the two over. Shaking her head at there expressions

"Where the hell you going? What the fuck you got on?"

She was dressed in a tight black dress that stopped mid thigh. Her curves were on display with her ass looking hypnotic. The heels were tied all the way to her thighs showing off  the thigh tattoos. Karlo paid close attention to them. He licked his lips when he noticed they were the same tattoos from his dream. But he was wishing the shit was true.

"On a date ugly, where the hell you been nigga annnnd clothes"

She spins around to make her point while Black sits back sucking his teeth

"A date with who and where, and ive been handling shit"

"A dude name Tommi that i met at the store a few months back. Finally giving him a chance hes taking me to Feathers. Haven't tried it yet so why the hell not get some free food out of him. Heres the money from the block they get paid today so uh yeah.  Got to go oh and whats up Blue"

She walks out smirking. She was honesty kinda excited about going. She hadn't been on one in awhile. And plus the man seemed like a good dude.

Karlo mugs the back of her head while Black laughs

"Keep playing nigga, itll be to late when she start picking wedding dresses out,you gone be looking blowed"

"You just having so much fucking fun with this aint it?"

"Oh yes yes i am"

"Nigga just bring your ass"

"Where the hell we going?"

"Nigga just come on dam always with the questions"

1 hour later

"So you dont know who this nigga is?"

Blacko starts laughing at the seriousness in his voice and slit eyes as he looks through the window of the restaurant

"Bruh i told you i dont know this nigga"

"Bruh i told you i dont know this nigga shut the fuck up"

Karlo grabs the lit blunt out of Blacks hand just as he's about to hit the blunt. Taking a hit and blowing it out. While talking shit to his self

"My little sister really got you fucking up lately.  You hitting blunts after people now"

Karlo throws it back at Black like its poison

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Who throws a lit blunt at somebodys face? Stupid ass,you and this crazy shit"

Black gets out the car slamming the door walking in the restaurant while Karlo grumbles but his attention goes to the nigga that just left a kiss on Sassy's neck. He grabs the steering wheel tightly

He gets nervous when he sees Black come out the bathroom. Right next to the table

Black makes it back to the car being unseen.

"Look they leaving can you take me home now?"

"Shut the fuck up"

Black really looks at Karlo and how stressed he looked. He needed a haircut, bags under his eyes the nigga even looked like he was losing weight. He could understand how he fell asleep. He honestly thought Alina had drugged him or some shit. He just didnt speak on it. Karlo was changing. It was to the point his emotions were turning off unless it had something to do with Sassy. He was becoming heartless

Karlo drove to the movies then the park were the two love birds laughed and talked until they got back in the car heading to Sassy's house. Karlos mind was blown that she actually got in the car with a nigga she didn't even know.

He rolls his eyes when they stop for ice cream. The smile on her face was pissing him off even more.

"You good nigga"

"Leave me the fuck alone right now Black. You know ah nigga not good. She out here with this nigga smiling and shit, like she known this nigga her whole fucking life"

"You could avoid all this if you would just tell her how the fuck you feel nigga"

"Shut the fuck up you dont know nothing about nothing. Pass the blunt nigga dam. You know what fuck your midget blunt i got a kush blunt. Fuck im begging ah nigga for his shit. You know what Black fuck you to. I blame you for this shit"

"The fuck i did?"

"You know what you did nigga so fuck you"

"But i...

"Shhh they driving again"

"They cant hear us"

Karlo ignores while driving they pull up to the house watching the two walk to the porch

"I know fucking well she aint let this nigga know where she stay"

"Man all this investigating shit, i need to pee. Dont do nothing stupid"

"Yeah yeah"

He continues watching the two,the nigga was getting close to fucking close

"I know dam well she not about to kiss this nigga."

Sassy begins drawing closer with her head to the right.

Pow! One shot to the heart makes the man slump forward with his eyes big and mouth opened. Sassy gasps not catching up to the fact her date just got shot. Karlo walks up to her the meet eyes

"I told you to stop playing with me baby"

He kisses her next to her lips. Picking the man up throwing him over his shoulder. Sassy stands stuck in her spot. Black comes out the bushes

"Nigga i told you dont do nothing stupid "

"Shut the fuck up and come on"


Before jumping in the car and driving off

"Well dam"

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