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"Aye this must be her place. I wonder why she's not staying with that nigga?"

"I don't know especially if they supposed to be getting married "

They watch Sassy and the little boy go in the house to escape the rain. Karlo can see Killa in the window barking. It was like he knew he was there just waiting for him to come in the house

"So you about to go in there or we just about to sit here?"

"Naw my things still intact and my cars?"

"Duh nigga"

"Take me the spot ill come back when little man sleep. I don't want to be disrespectful to the nigga kid. Dam i hope they didn't have him togeather. Maybe he from ol boy last marriage or some shit. He just attached to Sassy"

"What gets you by my dude. You got the address right?"

"Yeah i cant forget"

Black pulls up to the house saying he will catch Karlo later. This was fucking weather and he was going to find somebody daughter to fuck so good they won't be able to walk to the door the next morning when he was kicking them out.

Karlo runs to the door unlocking it. The weather was getting worse by the minute but he only had one thing on his mind at the moment. He looked around the house and everything was the same but two things Sassy or her belongings were not here.

He waited about 2 in the morning before he gathered a bag of things he needed and headed back out in to the storm. He drove slowly so he wouldn't crash the car. When he got there he parked on the side so his car was unseen. Walking to the back door it was locked


But soon he heard the knob move and then went still. Karlo tries the door again and it's unlocked. He gets in and Killa is quietly jumping up and down.

"Thank you lul monster"

He gives Karlos hand that's petting him she lick and goes back to his window looking at the lighting strike.

Karlo puts a ski mask with gloves on creeping up the stairs unseen from the darkness he's wearing and the pitch black in the house. He peeps in a room and it's the little boys room. He cracks the door going to the next one that's a guest room. Walking to the door at the end there lays Sassy on her stomach light snores coming from her. He could still smell the weed smoke linger in the room. He walked closer and what he seen gave him a small bit of hope. She was hugged up with a teddy bear he had got her but the bear had his shirt on with her face buried in it.

Lighting stuck making her turn the other way.

He dropped his bag grabbing a few things laying it on the bed. He removes his shoes  climbing on the bed. She stirs awake when she feels body weight on her. But before she can scream he covers her mouth


Getting a blind fold putting it over her eyes he turns her around handcuffing her hands above her head to the bed post. She thrashes around but can't get out his hold.


He removes his hand from her mouth taking off his mask

"Please don't hurt me"

Kissing her lips softly whispering never against them. Her feelings were all over the place at the moment. Her body knew his touch, her nose knew his scent but she was in denial of knowing this person. Tears sprang from her eyes as she fought the old new feeling.

Taking her ear in a nip as her breath becomes shallow not being able to see was bringing her comfort and nerves on edge. Licking her neck to the top of her breast. He memorized every thing without even seeing her body. He missed her he didn't realize how much until now.

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