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Karlo found his self sitting in Sassys room rolling two stress balls in his hand. Replaying in his head what happened yesterday. He lost his momma found his mama then really lost her. Then he was mad his self for slipping. On top of that he blamed his self for not protecting Sassy. It was to many people for her to deal with on her own. He felt selfish when everything was said and done.

He just so happens to look at Sassy at the same time she opens her Strom eyes.

"Your up"

She looks around,when she realizes she's in a hospital she jumps up in a panick. Not even paying attention to her pain.

"Where are my clothes?"

"What's wrong"

"Where the fuck are my clothes"

He grabs her softly

"What is wrong Sassy?"

She doesn't even realize her tears until he wipes her face

She looks the room over spotting her clothes in the corner. She snatches from him. Karlo starts to fuss but is silent when she drops the cloth the hospital put on her when she came in. He watches her every move.

She puts the clothes on

Snapping her fingers for him to get out his trance.

"Come on before the doctor comes in"

"Why are...."

"Fuck it"

She walks out leaving him there. If he wasn't helping she would leave by her self

When he comes out the room she's not in sight

He races outside seeing her at the bus stop

He hops in his car riding to the bus stop. She rolls her eyes before hoping in the car.

Looking at his phone from the buzzing

"20 stacks missing and police poking there head around"

That just puts him in a even more fucked up mood. He breathes in then out

"What the fuck is wrong with you"

"Nothing just take me home"

"You really saying nothing and you just escaped a hospital"

He looks at her crazy while she cleans her nails. Seeing she didn't care he kiss his teeth before riding off. She puts her address in his system. No more words are said after this

When they pull up to her place she pauses before leaving. He doesn't even look her way

"The fuck is you waiting for? Hop your ass out my fucking car"

Sassy laughs

"Bet pussy ass"

She gets out the door slamming it. He rolls the window down saying don't slam my shit. She takes a box cutter puinng her name. Karlo is in shock so he doesn't bother stopping her. You can see the anger

"You get out the car Karlo you going to jail. Get right nigga"

He watches her go in the house before he pulls off mad ass hell

He clutches the steering wheel tightly making his knuckles turn white.

Karlo begins driving with no location in mind.  He ends up pulling in to the house that at one time it was all he had.

He parks in the back grabbing his gun before walking in the house. Checking the house to make sure theres no crackheads.  Everything is the same, its like he  was waiting for the old crew to walk through the door.  Walking to his old room, lifting the mattress he smiled at the jar that was still there.  Popping it opened it smells heavenly,taking a blunt out his pocket he rools natures candy up.  Turning his ringing phone completely off.  He locks the door, lays back taking a hit.  His mind starts to go in over drive, he begins crying something he cant even remember the last time he did. He was that little boy in a mans body, so much anger,hurt and betrayal in his life.  He was just one person he wished everybody understood that. He curled up in a ball when he was done smoking.  Taking the old dirty blanket and falling in to a much needed sleep.  This was his routine for three weeks straight.  Go to the trap, ride around then smoke to go to sleep.

"They called about your mama"

" i don't give a fuck what they do to her. Just leave me alone"

Blacko sits there with his mouth opened

"look mane.....

"Black leave me the fuck alone! I dont want to what nobody has to say to me.  Leave!"

Black shakes his head before leaving Karlo

Loe one of his workers knocks on the door

Karlo sighs in frustration

"What man what? What could you possibly need from me right at this moment?"

" old man D needs help on his rent this month, Ruby needs lights on while Fox needs gas money.  Chris wants to borrow a few kilos to get him by this week, May says everytime it rains water comes from her roof, you have a few niggas trying to get on the team,Tia said stop playing let her fuck and last the Migos are not welcoming us with opened arms. We need to find a common ground so everybody is happy and getting money "

"Pay whats needed, give Chris the kilos tell him the first two are free. If he comes back he has to pay double the price. Tell Tia her lips was just wrapped around Black two nights ago so im good. Send somes niggas to fix the leaking roof. And ill get back to you about the Hispanic situation shit"

Karlo sat back in his chair,trying to get his mother and Sassy off his mind.  He looked at the time 2am. He sighs to himself

"Fuck ill go out"

Black asked him a few weeks back did he want to go to a party, he declined then. But now that his mind is every where he thought it was a good time.

He took a shower and got dressed at the trap before getting in his car going to the text thst Black sent.  Saying just in case you change your mind.

Getting out he can see the line is thick,walking to the front.

The bouncer instantly opens the robe for him.

Black sees him as soon as he walks in.

"My nigga"

"Aye my bad for earlier "

"Man that shit is forgotten,come on nigga we VIP"

When they get to VIP Karlo's heart begins racing, palms get sweaty just from the sight of her.  She was in a green dress that touched every curve she owned. 
She was smiling from something a nigga to her left said.  Karlo didnt like that shit but what could he do? They weren't even on talking turns at the point,so who was he to say a dam thing about a nigga in her ear.  He couldn't help the jealousy that rose. He licked his lips before grabbing a bottle and smirking in her direction waiting for her attention to make it him.  Her grey eyes connected to his pitch black ones. She couldn't deny the spark she felt when they connected. She couldn't deny the way he made her feel just being in the same room as him.  She could see the sadness in his black depths,the hurt the pain. The bags under his eyes, the sunken cheeks. The front he put on in front of everybody else.  But he wasn't hers to be concerned about.

"Whats up Sassy?"

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