Lost Family

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They sit in the underground house that Sassy got built a few years back. It was for this very reason why she got it built. She didn't know what was coming but she could feel one day she would need it.

"Sis you got a fucking mansion in the fucking ground"

Sassy was trying to come up with a plan. But she had nothing. The police was after them along with her mama, Deon, Cash if hes not dead, Gee and she could feel it was one more person.

Dreka sat there trying to absorb what she just got her self in to. Black was amazed that a house could be built in the ground while Karlo sat there playing with his chin hair thinking.

"Black im about to do something for probably not going to like. But i need to make Kj is good. Dreka don't take this the wrong way but im about to give you a lie detector test "

Before Black could say hello no she spoke

"I understand, if i was in your position where everybody was crossing me. And my child was in possible harm i would do the same thing. I don't need nobody thinking negative of me. Im going to be around for at least18 years so what the hell"

Everybody looked at her surprised.

"Hold up you pregnant D?"

"Yeah i bought a test when we went to the store before we came to this house last month. I wanted to take it with you but we'll as you can see it was to much going on. I took it in the bathroom this morning and it came out positive. It had to be when we stayed in that hotel for two days"

"Wow i never thought of myself being a father"

"I don't know if you're happy, sad, upset nigga give me something "

Sassy chuckled at the face she was making

"Imma be a fucking daddy y'all! "

He gets up grabbing her into a hug and kissing her lips then her stomach

"Congrats big bru,and welcome to the family sis. Well after this test. And yall nasty thinking about sex while we on the run.

"Sassy aye....

"No i want to J. Oh and yall can't say nothing. Oow daddy right there, don't stop Karloooo mmmm"

They bust out laughing, but Sassy stops

"Aye don't moan his name, im a protective girlfriend "


Sassy rolls her eyes

"Lets go, Black you stay. Killa you too"

They both whine sitting and laying back down. Dreka stands there taking a deep breath

She follows Sassy to a room. She sits down in the one of two chairs in the room. She doesn't ask why she has a lie detector test in the house while she puts the test on her.

"Do mean any harm to my family?"


"Are you in on the plan to kill us?"


"Are you living a double life?"


"Do you know who is after us?"


"Are you pregnant? "


"Is the baby my brothers? "


"Do you honestly love my brother?"


Sassy looks her in the eyes while asking her last question

"Do you understand i will kill you if you fuck my brother or family over with no hesitation "


Sassy unhooks the cords waiting for the test to print

She looks the test over making sure she didn't miss anything

She looks up to a nervous Dreka

Grabbing her in a hug

"Welcome to the family sweetheart "

When they come out Black is waiting by the door. It was like he wanted to ask Sassy but didn't want D to think he didn't trust her. Sassy gives him the paper walking off in search of Karlo.

It was as if a big weight was lifted off his shoulders when he read over the test

"Come on lets go feed you and my baby"

"our baby"

"Who would have thought the first time we have sex you get pregnant "

"Nigga i was thinking that shit to.  I didn't know how to feel "

"We will be great parents"

"How J and we are on the run"

He brings her close kissing her forehead

"Ill figure something out, don't worry that's not healthy for the baby"

Sassy finds Karlo in there temporary room.

"You good papi?"

"As long as my family is safe I'm always good"

She cuddles too him

"Want to see something? "

"Yeah "

"You checked on Kj?"

"Yeah hes sound asleep "

Karlo digs in his suitcase for the jar. Pulling it out he shows it to sassy that looks lost

"This is the weed you gave to me when i was locked up. I didn't even know you. But you gave a nigga a 5 course meal with cake and some exotic tree to top it off with. I never smoked it i told Black when i got out i would smoke this with you"

Sassy almost felt like crying

"Awe baby"

They laid back smoking the loud ass weed. Laughing and playing around that turned in to bomb ass sex.

The next morning Sassy woke up to her untraceable phone rings

She was confused because she never gave this number to anybody

"Hello "

"You do not know me but i am going to help you get out the situation your in. The police have located a signal close to your spot. I can get you to your cousin with no problem"

"I have no family but one "

"No! My daughter is your last kin besides Black. I'll send you a plane be ready"

He hangs up with no more words

"Who was that baby?"

"Lost family that's going to help"

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