*Street Life*

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Karlo wakes up at 3 in the morning getting up and ready for the rest of the morning. He looks over at at sleeping Gee and shakes his head. He wished he had the same mentality he had. His friend was in the lazy side but quick to chase a female. The way Karlo figured it once he got the money the females would flock to him.

Putting a box of fruit loops on the table and the milk at the bottom shelf of the fridge so when Alina wakes up she will be good. He grabs his bag and gun heading out the door.

The streets are filled with homeless crack feins that's waiting for morning to come for there fix.

He posts on the block waiting. A old lady with the bad habit walks up to him. Her skin has marks and her lips are black, with missing teeth in her mouth while she talks you can see it all.

"What you got?"

"What you need?"

"$10 for a rock"

"Show your hand"

"Ow a smart one"

He grabs the money the same time he drops the product in her hand. She smiles before walking away.

"If it's good I'll be back"

This goes on until the break of dawn. Seeing the other dope boys walk up her daps them up before making a move.

"Look at young blue getting to the money. Aye man who you working for?"


With that he ends the conversation making it back home.

When he gets there Gee is on the stoop smoking a cigarette.

"Way you been?"

"It's where have you been nigga. And getting to the bread"

"You could have woke me up dam"

"Nigga I left way before you think. If you want the money get hungry nigga. I'm not waiting a dam person. I told you I was about to her to it. Y'all think ah nigga be playing. And you need to chill out hanging with them boys to. They the type to set you up and keep it pushing. Just watch your back"

"Aye don't tell me who to hang out with, you ain't no body daddy the fuck"

"Shit that's you, do you Gee. Ain't nobody trying to be your daddy I'm trying to look out for you but shit fuck it. I don't have the time or energy for it. But say I didn't warn you. And you can chill with that bitch attuide you working with right, you mad at me because you didn't wake up to get to the money, get mad at your dam self. With that I'm going to sleep"

Karlo speaks to everybody before locking his self in his room. It's the smallest room in the house. He goes there when he wants to think or be alone. But this case he wants to away from Gee. He takes his shirt off before laying back on the twin size bed. Rolling up a blunt he takes 5 hits before falling asleep dreaming of tomorrows money bag.

When he wakes up it's dark outside. He gets up taking a quick cold shower then getting ready to do the same thing. Only difference is Gee is by the door dressed but he's asleep. Kayo smiles at this.

He hits him waking him up.

"What happened? I'm up I'm up"

"Come on we got money to make"

They stop by Chico's house grabbing two more guns for protection. He has every weapon you can think of that from over seas. Nobody asks about then and he doesn't share that with anybody either. But everybody knows to go to him.

"Now what?"

"We wait, here's the bags if it's more than $10 send them my way"


Play after play comes along getting what they need.


Kayo looks up to see a heated Gee. His story is his mama left one night and never came back. The system took his other 6 siblings while he stood across the street acting like he didn't live there.

"Hey Jr, baby how you doing?"

"Bitch is you for real right now?"

Gee was bring unnecessary conflict there way. Kayo walked to them giving the lady what she needed then taking her to keep walking. Gee looks on still mad about the situation.

"Look Gee I understand that's your mom's but when we getting to this money it's fuck her. You never know who's around trying to find a weak spot. You into the agreement and boom ah nigga got you and the bitch plus your product and money. Now you laying in your own blood while he done made a come up. You have to think smart Gee"

He nods his head taking everything in.

"Your right, I just let my temper get the best of me"

"Aye we learning this shit you good"

The rest of the night is uneventful. When they make it to the house police has it surrounded. Kayo runs up seeing them take the kids out.

"Man what the fuck is y'all doing?"

The officer grabs him backwards pulling him to him.

"Are you one of these kids that don't have a home also?"

"Man let me the fuck go. You fucking pig! Always fucking with somebody"

He really begins trying to get the man's hands off him when he sees a kicking and screaming Alina.

They put her in the car with the rest of them before driving off.

"Calm down son we are just trying to get you all a safe home"

"Bitch nigga you don't give a fuck about us"

Everything that has happened in Kayo's past with the police just builds up at that moment.

He draws back boxing the man in his face before running off.

The police looks on before telling the others to let him go don't worry about it. Kayo and Gee watch in the woods behind the house. When they leave Kayo goes in the house. The house is trashed completely.

"Fuck! No need to stay here, they will be back sooner or later"

"Where we gone go man?"

"Don't worry about it"

Kayo goes to the stash seeing that it's still there. He grabs the duffle bag loading up as much as he can.

"On to better things"

Kayo looks outside waiting. A car rides up to the house across the street. A man steps out the car. Kayo waits about 10 minutes to see if the man was coming straight out.

"Gee! Time to ride"

They jump in

"Look out for me"

Karlo gets the car started driving off.

"We going to be good believe that"

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