Old Friends

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Karlo lays on the bed looking at the fan spin. Grabbing his phone debating if he should call up Sassy or not. He wanted the friendship they had going. He could feel it could come much more than that one day. That is if he stopped fucking it up.

Hitting the call button he let it ring twice before quickly hanging up. He jumps when the music begins blareing through the phone. My oneday popping up.

He answers it


"You called?"

"Uh um yeah i was wondering if you would ride down to Migo town. I heard you grew up that and I'm trying to get them on our team"

"So now you want to put work in?"

"I don't want to argue so nevermind"

"I never said i wouldn't do it but i also never said you wouldn't hear my shit talking nigga. Come to my house"

Before he can speak she hangs up. He jumps up rushing to her. He was happy to go see her on some what alright terms. Remembering the directions to her house.

"Im out side"

"Come in I'm not ready yet,the door is opened"

When he walks in the house he is amazed especially with her car sitting in her front room. The huge dog is lurking. Growling to give some alert. Karlo looks around trying to find the source. He finally sees glowing eyes. Stepping back slowly as the dog walks slowly with fume dripping from his mouth.



Sassy comes down the stairs in a towel with her hair up

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Sassy comes down the stairs in a towel with her hair up. Karlo doesn't have time to stare because the pit is getting closer.

"You got a fucking panter in your house! He wanna kill me i see it in his eyes"

Sassy shakes her head

"Down Killa,come to mama"

The dog gives him one more growl before standing next to Sassy.

"You hungry?"

He gives a bark and Karlo could have sworn he nodded to. He follows Sassy and the dog upstairs.

The dog looks at him in disappoveal. Sassy laughs as she walks in his room heating up his grilled chicken and broccoli with a side of white wine. Karlo looks at her like shes crazy.

"Who the hell does all this for a fucking dog ? Its just a dog"

Before he can blink Sassy has her gun to his throat

"Do me a favor and shut the fuck up"

He doesn't seem scared but he did tense up a little bit. Sassy removes the gun walking out the room to get dressed.

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