*Prison Life*

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The police that has been asking the same questions over and over for 2 hrs. He was simply getting restless with the young boy. He couldn't find anything on him. No name,finger prints, birthday not a dam thing.

"Please tell me your name"


The officer blows out his breath. There was nothing they could do at this point but wait for him to go to court. The man takes him to his cell. Karlo shows no emotions at all over the situation. He just kept thinking why the fuck did he fool up with Gee and them niggas. He had been telling Gee for years to stay away from him. But here he is in a fucked up situation  because he went with them. Hell he was the driver so it's is fault.


Karlo looks up after the officer takes the cuffs off of him. The man shakes his head at the name. I know dam well that's not the name his mother gave him.

"What the fuck you doing in here?"

"Fucked up on a little situation. But shit you know I'mma be good. What you in here for?"

"Long story short, robbed a uphill store"

Karlo shakes his head at this. Everybody knows to leave the white part alone. Unless it's a fact you getting away.

Karlo lays on the hard ass bed thinking how to make moves from in here.

Month after month passes behind his eyes. Four months pass with no words from the system. Karlo did push ups and sit ups trying to pass the time. People would line up trying to see him. But he didn't want to see anybody but Gee. Blacko came first visitation they linked up and he told him what he needed to know. After that he told him not to come back just so his business wouldn't go up in flames. Karlo heard news that Gee wasn't happy he wasn't in charge of the business. Karlo could give one fuck of how he felt. Nobody was going to fuck up what he put his blood and sweat in. Karlo begin questioning Gee's loyalty.

The cell opens but Karlo doesn't bother looking up

"Cell mate 0987654321 please come with me"

Karlo finishes his last set before getting up so he could be put in cuffs. They walk him down the long hallway to the judge Chambers.

"Do not speak unless your spoken to"

"Yes master"

"That's enough officer Lee that will be all"

Officer Lee didn't feel it was safe to leave the two alone but he had to follow orders. The judge had seen allot of people in his day. He usually could read the person as soon as he sets eyes on him. But with Karlo he got nothing.

"Let's get to it. What's your name son?"

Here the fuck we go again with this bull shit


"We both know that's not your real name"

"We both know nothing because that's my name"

"Ok what's your age?"

"Old enough"

"Any family?"

"Nope y'all killed them. Next question"

"Why were you with the people you were with breaking and entering a house"

"Wrong place at the wrong time"

"Look Blue, Im really honestly trying here. But you have to give me something"

"I'm giving you my answers like you asked even if it's shit you don't want to hear"

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