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"Sassy just leave me the fuck alone please. I dont feel like this shit, just let me be"

Sassy looked through his pleading eyes shaking her head at him. It was killing her that he was giving up completely . But she couldn't make him try. A person will and wont do what they want in life.

He was doing the one thing she didn't want him to do thou. He was pushing her away. And for that she felt alone


"Come on baby just try to move them a little bit for me. When you feel tired you can quit"

Sassy was trying her best to move his legs. Just to see if he could get some feeling back in them.

"There is no moving Sassy! I cant feel shit, do you understand that?  For you, for you? Your probably the reason thT im like this any fucking way"

He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. He went to grab for her but she quickly backed away from him in disbelief

"Baby im sorry"

She looked at him,tears wanting to spill from her stromy eyes shaking her head no

"Dont just dont"

She walks away to calm herself so she wont say anything at she will regret, while he begins throwing things thats around him in the room

"Fuck man! "

Karlo lays there in the bed alone looking at the wall. Wondering how they got here shit how he got here Sassy barely sleeps anymore. Even when she does she doesn't sleep next to him at all. The situation has put a strain on the once love birds. It seems they can never get it right whether its them or some one around them.

Sassy walks in the room with her head down

"What you doing Sassy?

She doesn't look at him while she packs her things in her bags and suitcases


"I tried Karlo i did, i cant do this anymore. You dont talk to me you dont touch me, you have nothing to do with me anymore. Youve giving up and its making me give up to. I dont need to be ignored, i can live alone if i want to be alone"

She feels something nodge her legs. He brings her down to him hugging her to him as best as he can.

"Ill try baby, im sorry for making you feel that way. Ill do whatever,just dont leave me."

"Karlo you have to get your shit together. If you cant then i leave. You have to understand i want you even if you cant walk. If we cant handle eachother in the bad times then theres no need to waste our good times"

They share a kiss promising for better

"Ready for this?"

"Yeah baby, lets get this over with"

Sassy walked in first then Karlo entered

Everybody stopped talking or doing whatever else they were doing to look. Nobody except for Black has seen or knew about Karlo.

"So lets get it started"

Everybody just couldn't stop looking at him. Karlo pulled his gun out shooting the nigga sitting next to Micah. Karlo keeps his eyes on Micah as he does so. Micah flinches as the blood splatters on him.

"Anybody else cant keep there fucking eyes to there selfs?"

There head go down besides Dassy she looks on with pure pride. She was getting him back slowly but surely. When the meeting is over Sassy walks to Micah thats cleaning his face of blood.

"I know you had something to do with the shit"

He smiles

"Maybe you pissed off the wrong persin baby. I didnt have have anything to do with nothing. You need to stop acting like your not my wife and bring your ass home to daddy"

Slapping him across the face

"Im not that same bitch you were trying to have control over"

"You were never a bitch babydoll. I made mistakes you just need to get over the shit. You know your heart and pussy belongs to me always. "

"Aye we got a problem here?"

Micah looks at Karlo before laughing

"Nigga what yo cripple ass gone do if it was?"

Karlo hits his knee cap making him go down to his level. Grabbing by the shirt

"Nigga dont think shit changed just because im in this chair. Aint nothing wring with my trigger finger"

He lets a angry Micah go before grabbing Sassy by the waist and putting her in his lap. Riding off from Micah

"Time to get a hair cut baby"

They go to the barber so he can get rid of the homeless man look. Then they go shopping getting matching outfits and shoes.

"Hey do you remember me from the store?"

Sassy looks at him closely then it dawns on her

"Oh yeah you caught my buggy for me. Thank you for that"

Karlo looks between the two almost letting his insecurities come out and play

She tells who is who. But the boy doesn't look to happy at the fact Karlo just grabbed Sassy's hand and her squeezing it tightly.

The boy walks away feeling foolish.

"You ready to home baby?"

"Yeah let me go to the bathroom real quick thou"

Sassy says she will be in Victoria Secret when he was ready come there.

When they meet back up they leave for home. They enjoy dinner then cuddle for the night.

Bam Bam Bam

They both look at eachother confused

Sassy gets up throwing on a rob, Killa is right by her side. He didn't trust anybody but Sassy, Karlo, Black and Mama. Other than that he growled until you left his home. Sassy swung the door opened.

"Where is he?"

She runs past Sassy like she owned the place. Going to a confused Karlo

"Its ok baby im here now, you have nothing to worry about"

Just a little something. Happy July4th. Everybody be safe 😘🎆🎇🎉Redd

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