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"Fuck!Sassy im so sorry. My little brother doing target practice. He was supposed to be doing it in the back thou. I apologize for it. If it helps they were blanks"

"Its good Corey, just try to keep it in the back"

"Understood, this could have ended bad. Thank you for understand."

He looks at Black, Micah and Karlo with there guns still pointed at him. He takes notice that Sassy had hers out also. She put it back on safety before placing it back under the the back of her shirt.  He walks away grabbing his brother saying sorry again.

When they can't see him anymore they put the guns away to.

She leaves them to get the bags while walking in the house. But she is soon attacked by Killas kisses.

"Hey my Babbbyyy, i missed you"

She gives him love then walks in her room to change into something comfortable.

Sassy walks down the stairs to see Killa jumping Karlo that has a surprise look on his face. But he goes with it.

Micah walks in looking at Killa.

"Daddys home my boy"

Killa walks to him sniffing him. Killa shakes his head at his feet before growling and lifting his leg up peeing on his shoes

"The fuck!"

Micah raises his foot like hes about to kick Killa

"Nigga i wish you would kick my fucking dog. I will put a bullet in that same foot. Play with me Micah"

"Aint nobody about to kick him. I was just shaking my foot since he just pissed on me"

She eyes him

"Mmhum like i said play with me if you want"

"Whatever where the bathroom at?"

She points to the down stairs guest full bathroom. He takes his luggage with him stroming to the bathroom.

Sassy goes to the kitchen starting the food. Black follows while Karlo sits back with Killa watching Tv.

"So how did everything go?"

"They loved me,Alina got her ass beat on the way here and Micah asked me to be his girl"

Black almost chokes on his drink. 

"What you told the nigga?"

"Funny that's the only only thing you heard out of everything i said. But i told him its too early for all that and we are just getting back on communication. He asked could we be friends and do the dating thing. Ill think about it but probably not.  I just cant see myself back tracking"

Black nods liking yer answer

When dinner is done he helps put everything on the table. They all sit down with mostly Sassy and Black talking.

When dinner is over Karlo does the dishes. They sit down in the movie room relaxing and smoking.

The next few weeks become busy from all the shipments and new buildings. On top of that Sassy was still over viewing what was going on in her old hood. Karlo and her were getting close again. It was on the bestfriend type shit.  
With eachother 24\7,a kiss here and there with cuddling included. Sassy was just waiting for him to say he wanted her to be his. She was being patient with the matter. She could feel it was close.

He even had a key to her place. That took allot coming from Sassy. With all her trust issues she has bottled up. But you know nothing lasts forever. Especially between those two.

Micah was sitting back for the simple fact he had more to deal then he ever had with the cartel.

Sales was up and with sales comes more money. He didnt have the time at the moment to chase after Sassy like he wanted to. He thought in due time but not knowing how close her and Karlo were getting.

Sassy stepped out her car getting attention from everybody around. She was on a mission to recruit more workers. This was Karlos neck of the woods. She walked to a gang of niggas thinking here goes nothing.

While she was handling business late night Karlo was on the other side of town getting loose at a new club. Gee had begged him to come out to celebrate his 21 birthday. Karlo couldn't wait for his 21 birthday. Even though nobody seen him as a 19 year old.  He knew it and it bothered him for some reason. He told Sassy to meet him at his house later on tonight. He invited her but she declined not liking to be in Gee's company if she really didnt have to be.

"Nigga! Its going down in this bitch. All this fucking ass every where"

Karlo dapped him up nodding to his words.

"Man let me go get a drink to toast to"

Gee made his way to to the bar ordering two drinks. Before he turned around he dropped a pill in Karlos drink moving it around a bit to dissolve. He looked at Brittney nodding once at the stripper before walking back to Karlo that was chilling. He handed him the drink putting it in the air.

"To long time niggas that will grow old together. Niggas for life"

Karlo hit glasses drinking it down in two gulps. He felt eyes on him looking to left he spotted the short brown skin female looking at him. She took the sucker in her mouth deep throating it closing her mouth smiling then biting her lip. Karlo laughed shaking his head and looking away. The night went on smoking and drinking for him. But Karlo began feeling uneasy,seeing things that weren't there. It was like his body was falling asleep with him still up. He felt a hand on his chest and a nibble to his ear. He tried to hit it away but it didnt work.

"Come big daddy lets get out of here"

Brittney git two men to help Karlo to his car putting him in the passenger seat,then taking the driver seat.

Gee had already gave her the address. Her plan was to fuck him good and make him nut all in her so she could be set for life.  She just couldn't understand what Gee was getting out of it.

They pulled up to the apartment. She dragged him out the car. It took awhile but she finally got him on the couch. She undressed him slowly, getting excited from seeing his toned body. She usually fucked with niggas that had money but with big guts or just plain ugly. He begin to stir so she hopped off him walking to her purse. Gtabbing the syringe out her purse she puts it in his arm making him go drowsy once again. She released his dick from his boxers admiring it. She had seen allot of dicks in her time but his was beautiful to her. She licked the head loving the taste. She put all 12 inches down her throat without gagging. Karlo moaned eyes closed and head throbbing.

Sassy walks in throwing her keys on the table next to the door. She walks in futher not believing her eyes.

Brittney was so caught up sucking she didnt see Sassy.  Sassy grabbed her by the head throwing her off him. High Karlo jumps up kade not feeling the warm mouth on him. He seen Brittney as Sassy and Sassy as Brittney.

"Get the fuck out!"

Sassy was taken back from the anger.

She couldn't even argue eith him or take her anger out on the bitch.  Because tears threating to spill.  Karlo held his head from the ringing noise.

"Everybody get the fuck out! Now"

Sassy slapped him making him try to grab her

"Im done for good Karlo. I hope she was worth it"

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