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"Let's get to it. Don't want to be up all night,now do we?"

Sassy looks to Karlo that has a unsure look going on to

"If I wanted to kill you I could have as soon as you got off the plane"

They walk to a room that's loaded with people. They all stop mingling when they see Sassy, Karlo and Blacko walk in the room

Sassy knew allot from when they flew out to start the drug trade. Then there was allot she didn't know. You couldn't tell by her face that she was rethinking this entire situation. She would rather be in her home curled up with her son and man. But with all the bull shit going on she knew it was impossible. Most important there lives were at state. She knew there was a big price tag on her and her families head. To much was at state for her. Yeah she could walk away from it all. But she knew she would regret walking away. Always on the run, looking back. She just didn't feel like that was the right thing for her, especially for Kj. He didn't ask to be her,so he shouldn't have to suffer for the sins theve done in there like.

A pepper grey head man sits watching her. Sassy tries to ignore the man next to her but she can't. The meeting begins and a small smile plays at his lips

"Why are you stareing at me?"

She whispers lowly so she doesn't disturb what's going on around her.

"You remind me so much of your mother"

Sassy is almost lost for words

Her numbness for that topic appears. It's like a second nature to her

"She died a long time ago to me"

The man continues to look but his face drops a bit

His wife appears by his side kissing his cheek

Sassy looks but doesn't stare

She couldn't focus on what was going on in front of her at the moment

Before she could get a grip the meeting was over and done with. Saying they would pick up where they left off in the morning.

Sassy rushes out to get some fresh air. She could feel the walls closing in on her

She makes it to the roof since everybody was trying to leave at once. Taking small breaths in and out. The sweet smell of weed floats in the air. Sassy follows the wonderful smell to the source.

A girl stands there chilling like she's not top of a building filled with top of the top drug dealers and gangsters. She looks at the one person that could find her up here. She passes the weed with the no questions asked


The girl smirks

"I know who you are everybody in this city knows who you are. I look at you and I see some what of me"

She laughs looking at the city below. She never thought she would be back here. Honestly she put the life she lived behind her. But when duty calls she's all for it. It just seemed nothing ends it's a big ass circle.

"I'm Akoni"

Sassy has heard her name ring bells also.

A tall light skin make with beautiful green eyes pops his head around the corner. He walks to her putting his head in her neck. It's like they got lost in there world for a moment. Sassy turns a way outing the blunt.

They pull away with a kiss.

Akoni giggles forgetting Sassy was there

"My bad this is my husband Young. Baby this is Sassy"

He nods his head her doing the same

"You might want to get down there your man's about to go ape shit looking for you"


Sassy excuses her self leaving the love birds to it

Walking back down the stairs, it's so many people moving around

She catches view of a mad looking Karlo across the room. Before she can go to him someone grabs her arm. It's the older man that said something about her mother

"When you find her the war will end"

Sassys eyebrows run together in confusion


"Your half sister,her name is Queen"

She was about to ask more questions but Karlo picked her up throwing her across his shoulder. Only thing left to do was huff and look at the man that apparently held answers to her life.

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