
42 4 13

Sitting on a jet with a nigga you like that has a stupid girlfriend,a ex that fucked up but we are older now so he wants another chance and last but not least his cousin that has had a crush but to blind to see. Fucking awkward,story of my fucking life.

Sassy sits with her eyes close trying to fall asleep. But the feeling of all eyes on her was getting her no where. She growls in frustration before getting up laying across the last seat thats mad into a couch.  There shes able to fall asleep most of the ride.

When they get off the planes its pitch black. They all agree to meet in the morning.

Micah walks to Sassy smiling

"Fuck you so happy for?"

"Nothing shit we living thats something to be happy about."

"Riggght what did you need?"

"What room are you in?"

Looking through narrowed eyes


He comes closer whispering in her ear

"So i can show you what this tongue be like"

She looks down blushing

When she looks back she catches Karlos angry eyes

She smiles in response making him strom away

"No thank you papi"

She walks close looking up like shes about to kiss him. He falls for it

With her pointer finger she puts to his lips

"But thanks for the offer"

She walks away grabbing her room key

"Still play games"

"Nigga always oh its some lotion i put in your right pocket. Have fun tonight"

He watches her ass jiggle before smiling and walking to his own room

The lights flicker making Micah look behind him. When he turns back around Karlo is in front of him

"You are friend zone understand that. Stop trying to get at Sassy"

Micah chuckles

"Or what nigga?"

Karlo smiles lifting his shirt a little

"I can show you better than i can tell you"

"My mama always said im a hard headed ass nigga,so i guess you got to show me"

Karlo smiles one last time before walking away

"Nigga aint you got a whole girlfriend?"

"Fuck that bitch,have a good night"

Karlo goes to his room slamming the door, before he can try to get comfortable theres a knock on the door

He blows his breath snatching the door opened

Alina stands there pissed off

"Why the fuck do we have two different rooms? And i seen you looking at that bitch. Your my nigga so act like it"

"Man if you don't get the fuck outta my face with that shit"

"Im your girl you will not talk to me like that! Dont get mad at me because her hoe ass wants the next nigga. Stop picking hoes Blue dam"

He gets up slamming the door. He walks around smoking for a hour until he finds a bench.

He feels a tap on his shoulder not realizing he fell asleep. He jumps up holding his gun to Sassy.

Sassy stands there looking concerned

"Bring your ass"

He looks around lost for a minute but nods

"Can i go to your room?"

She sucks her teeth but nods yeah. When they get to the room Micah is standing there

"He was outside"

She walks in the room laying back in her bed falling back to sleep

Karlo walks in but Micah garbs him by the shirt pulling him backwards.

"Where the fuck you think you going?"

Karlo smiles

"Oh you aint knew Sassy said i could stay the night"

"Shitten me nigga you stay i dam sure am"

He walks past Karlo sliding in next to Sassy pulling her close.

"Nigga you got me fucked up"

He gets on the other side pulling Sassy

"Man chill out i got in the bed first"

"You know the old saying save the best for last"

"Man come on you gotta whole bitch waiting for you. Do you really think she would like this shit?"

"Ughhhhhh!!! Mannnnn get the fuck off me, get the fuck off me!"

Sassy gets up grabbing the cover moving to the couch

"Two grown men in the fucking bed togeather. Gay asses"

Karlo moves to get out the bed

"Lay yo ass down and go to fucking sleep. You move imma shot yo fucking shoulder. Yall sit there and think about what yall did.  I bet not hear a fucking peep"

Karlo moves to one edge of the bed while Micah gets on the other side.

"Pussy ass"

"Bitch ass the fuck"

A shot rings in the room scareing the both of them

"Go the fuck to sleep!"

The next morning everybody is in a grumpy mood

Alina comes down looking angry, she walks to Karlo standing there with her hands on her hips

"Where the fuck were you at last night?"

"Man get the fuck outta my face Alina"

"You was with that bitch huh?"

Pointing to Sassy

"Dont call her out her fucking name,sit ya ass down you causing a scene"

"Nigga I DONT GIVE A FUCKKK, FUCK THESE FUCKING PEOPLE THEY DONT KNOW ME! stop playing with me Blue, you going to make me go up side thst little bitch head! Yall think im fucking blind i see shit"

"Lul bit who head you going up on? We can run that shit now, you talk to that nigga sideways not me. Im trying to be good since we are somewhere we are not from. But keep playing and call me a fucking bitch again imma woof your ass"

Alina rolls her eyes while Deon grabs Sassy's hands


sassy laughs Deon gets close to her ear

"Let her have it ma"

Sassy kisses her teeth noding her head

Deon lets go pouring her some juice.

"Im about to go to the bathroom,can you stay outta trouble?"



"I dont care Karlo, i want the bitch off all the business shit. Im your girl i should be sitting next to you.

Sassy takes the orange juice tossing it on Alina. You would have thought it was acid the way she screamed

Sassy doesnt say anything as she rushs her with her fist to her face. Alina didn't even have time to cover, Sassy was just to fast."

"Dam it Sassy"

Deon picks Sassy up off of a leaking,crying Alina.

She laughs as he drags her away

"Bow Down Hoe!"

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