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"Mama no disrespect but im not going back no time soon,sooo your going to be wasting your time"

She raised her fist putting them on her hips with a smirk on her face looking Sassy right in the eyes

"We will see about that sweets"

She walks in the house like its hers exaiming every dam thing

Sassy throws her head back screaming to herself. She gets herself together before joining her in the house also.

As soon as she walks in the house Mama grabs her in a tight hug placing her face in her neck.

"I missed you bebe so much, dont leave like again. I was worried when Black couldn't find you. The life you and your brother live will be the death of me"

She kisses her forehead letting go and walking in the kitchen before she could drop a tear in front of Sassy

Sassy begins stirring her seafood gumbo,making sure the rice was steaming and her cheese cake was getting firm in the fridge. While Mama looks her over

"You look good Sas. You look healthy again...

She stops speaking when Sassy comes out the fridge facing her. She grabs her face looking at the scar on her beautiful face.

"I dont want to talk about it,just drop it"

"Ill let it go for now, you bet not be fighting these nínas around here"

Sassy lifts her eyebrow looking outside.  Nobody is in this area but she doesn't speak on it. Mama begins her rant while cleaning things thats not even dirty up.  Sassy sneaks out the back door while mama washes "dishes",theres one bowl with one fork from when she had a salad for lunch. But the curse words flowing out her mouth would make you think every dish in the kitchen was dirty.

She takes her long skirt off placing it on the post by the water.  She swins for about a hour so she can see the sun go down. She thought over Mamas words and folded her arms like a child would when they didnt get there way.

"She cant make me leave if i dont want to, she'll give up in a week wanting to go back home saying I'm a difficult child"

"Come on Sas, the food it done!"

She grabbed the towel walking to the house. Mama was taking one last piece of chicken out the grease.

She knew one of Sassy's weaknesses was her chicken. Sassy sat at the table eager for the food. Mama smiled as she ate the food

"Me one Sassy none"

"Huh? Did you say something?"

"Oh nothing dear eat up before it gets cold"

1 month later

Sassy stays in her room, trying not to scream and throw things

She loved Mama but she was getting on Sassys last nerve. She woke her up at the break of dawn, saying chile your just going to sleep the day away. If your breakfast gets cold its going in the trash. If she takes more than 7 minutes in the shower she turns the water off in the entire house. Saying leave water for the fish. Everyday she has drug Sassy out the house making her walk 3 miles with her.  Sit straight Sassy,dont slouch,dont smack, no junk food,no staying out late unless it had to do with the Cartel. Sassy was good and tired and ready for her to go back home. She loved her but she was trying not to snap on her.

Sassy took a deep breath walking out her room

She was sitting at the table reading the newspaper. She looks to Sassy shaking her head

"Just slept the whole day away, its 730 in the morning. You could have been doing some thing productive"

Sassy rolls her eyes at the attempt of treating her like a child.

"Your right"

"I know i am, now lets go"

She watches her throw her left over food and Sassys plate in the trash.

They spent the day feeding the homeless, catching stray animals and finding them a home. There last stop was to read to the kids. Thats the part Sassy really enjoyed. After a long day they went back to the house eating dinner.

"Oh and no work tonight, thats why your not able to get up in the morning"

Sassy looks at her with disbelief

"But i have things to do"

"Dont care"

Sassy pinches the bridge of her nose, breathing in and out

"Ma when are you going home?"

"When i want to, now march your ass up them steps"

Sassy couldn't underrated why she was acting like this. She had something for Black's ass. She was getting him a snake for Christmas. Hopefully he would have a fucking heart attack.

Sassy went up stairs acting like she was getting ready for bed. She waited two hours, then sneaking to listen to see if Mama was asleep. When she heard no movement in the room she quietly went out the door.

Sassy went to her Trap to make sure everything was being ran correctly. She checked her number and everything was on point. She could honestly say she had loyal people on her team. Well so far she didnt find anybody not.

When she was happy she left to go back home. Mama was waiting at the kitchen table. Sassy hadn't even realized she stayed out the entire night.

"Hey your up early"

"Uh yeah did that morning work out"

She looked her up and down squinting her eyes

She pulled a belt out of no where giving her one chop


"Lie again "

"Ok ok i was at the Trap all night, i lost track of time"

"Mhm ok"

Mama gave her a good ol ass beating for lieing and sneaking out the house, after telling her not to go any where.

"Glad to have you back sis"

Black stands there with arms crossed and a smirk on his lips. Sassy gets off the jet with a still stinging ass and a mug gracing her face.

"Go fuck your self bitch"

"There go my sister"

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