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"Baby what did you want to show me?"

"Its a surprise sweetheart just come on"

She puts her hands on her hips giving him the look. Realizing he wasn't going to budge. She through her hands in the air. He knew she didnt care for surprises at all.
Getting in to

the car. Karlo puts the route in the GPS on so he doesn't have to tell her the directions. He just told her to put something on nice.

They pull up to a nice restaurant thst neither has ever been to

Sassy is nothing but smiles,this is sorta there first real date

She waits for him to get in his chair and come around the car where she is. He tries his best not to ask anybody for help. He wasn't weak and he didnt need anybody thinking that he was. He would still put a bullet in anybody

They walk while he rides hand and hand inside. The building is empty but a host that's standing in the front smiling hard. Sassy begins doubting a little bit. If theres no customers then the food must be nasty.

"Right this way beautiful couple"

She sits them down at a nice table in the middle of the place

"This is so fucking dope babe"

Sassy takes in the candles and flowers smiling ear from ear. Not caring if the food was bad, she would stick it out just for this time with him.

They have small conversation until there food gets there. Shrimp, steak, lobster tail, angel hair noodle mix with cheese biscuits. She could admit it looked and smelled good.

"I just want to say thank you for this. You made me feel special tonight"

"Anything for you babygirl"

"Your dessert is ready"

She puts the small cheese cake in front of Sassy with a cover on it

"Close your eyes ma i got you something "

She giggles before closing them tight. She liked this side of him

Karlo stands up making sure he got his balance before walking to her

Walking to her side getting on bending knee

"You know i love you, i might not say it but i try to show it. Ive fucked up in the past but no more of the childish games. I fuck with you hard, youve been my rock. Youve been here for me through everything, im thankful for you. Open your eyes ma"

She gasps as she sees him,he didnt tell her that he was working on walking. He had been saying he was handling business but not coming home late. He held a ring in his hand. She gets nervous a little bit

"This is a promise to you that ill always ride for you. Always be here for you no matter what. This is a promise ring for now, but do you accept and this entitles your my girlfriend"

Sassy smiles jumping up

"Hell yeah"

They share a kiss before pulling away looking in eachothers eyes
The bond they head brought butterflies. She snapped out of it remembering something

"So nigga you wasn't going to tell me you could walk again?"

He smiles playing with his chin hair

"I wanted to surprise you ma, thats all"

They finish there food and go home

Karlo is laid out on the bed with his arm across

Sassy looks in the mirror one last time taking a big breathe before opening the door and walking out

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