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Black and Karlo are up in the wee hours of the morning talking while everybody else is knocked out to there inside world.

"One more year in this bitch boy I can't wait"

"You know I'm about to tear the shit up right"

Black looks at him smiling

"Hell yeah,but got to do this shit right. Invest in shit,get your money cleaned so when your ready to get out you can."

Karlo sits back playing with his chin hair

"Honestly I don't think I will ever get out. Like for what?"

Black continues to smile

"You might find a female you want to settle down with"

Karlo busts out laughing at his friend

"Man ain't nobody want no bitch. I just need my money"

"I'll make sure I remind you on your wedding day"

"You do that,make a toast nigga"

Karlo holds his water bottle up in the air while dancing around the cell.

"You hell man"

They wake up in the afternoon from them screaming mail call

"Aye Blue this yours"

Karlo takes the mail looking it over

He gets one every year but doesn't read them. He was feeling some type of way today.

He read over the birthday card making him smile, that somebody remembered.

Sassy sends one every year. She puts money on the books. She even made sure they were fed proper food.

Karlo was just to blind to see the work she puts in.

Black snatches the letter out out his hands. Karlo runs after him, but it's to late he is already coming with the jokes.

"You and sis huh?"

"Man fuck outta here"

"Let me get my wedding speech ready"

He clears his throat like he is about to practice. Karlo starts hitting with him. Ending up forgetting the card.

"Let's go to the gym"

"Why you never told anybody your birthday and how the hell my sister know"

"I ain't told nobody shit and I don't know how the fuck she know. I ain't never told her. All we do is talk about work. She don't like my ass"

"She like something shit if she sending birthday cards and shit. Then they say we getting special shit for dinner"

"Man I will say we don't eat bad in this bitch. I would just get them to sneak in good shit if we did"

"Yeah true"

Black thinks for a minute. Wondering if some of special treatment they get is because of her. Naw she ain't got connect like that. They spend the remainder of the day in the gym. Goofing off and challenging each other.

They head back to the room so they can finish there last assignment for them to get there high school diploma.

They were doing good for there self's. Karlo was getting his just to show that he could while Black was doing it for his sister. Plus that was one regret of his, he dropped out just needing two more credits. He felt his family needed money more that him being in school. School wasn't going to pay for the lights and water to be cut back on. Shit school wasn't going to bring food in the house. So he dropped school to chase money on the block.

Once they are done a man dressed in a chef outfit comes in rolling a cart that's covered.

He leaves the cart walking out without saying a word.

When they uncover it there eyes light up. Karlo had the munchies from the two solos he just got done with while doing his work.

In front of them there was steak,chicken,lobster,shrimp,cheese biscuits,potatoes,rice,pasta,salad and Cajun low country boil. Then on top of all that a chocolate 3 layor birthday cake with ice cream on the side.

"Shit let's dig in nigga fuck we just looking at it for"

The card read Happy Birthday Dick and I love you big Bru"

"Well dam sis came through"

Karlo takes the flip phone out sending a quick text to her. He sees she's not texting back right away so he begins to eat food that he doesn't even know what half of it is. He never had that life. When he was getting close to it he got thrown in jail. So he ate slow so he could taste and remember the flavors.

They flushed it down with Chinese sweet tea. (Y'all know Chinese restaurants got the best dam tea. Well that's how it is in Savannah Ga).

Karlo sat back from being so full,he has never felt like this before. Something catches his eye. Lifting a container that's sitting by the cake with a bow on it.

He opens the box the lovely smell hits him first. The exotic weed was beautiful to him,they grayish purple hairs in it. It made him want to save it. Even if it was a nice size bag. He would save a blunt so he could smoke it with her. He felt that would nice of him since Black says he is mean to her.

He lays back smoking the blunt thinking this was the best birthday he has ever had. That's saying allot especially with him being where he is at the moment.

1 year later

"Blue! Black let's go!"

They get up feeling like this shit isn't real. They are finally getting out this bitch. Karlo wouldn't fully understand until he was out the gate. They give them the things they came with. Even though the shit didn't fit anymore. They didn't complain they were trying to get out of there. After saying good bye and giving the cell away. Karlo grabs the weed he kept before walking out. He would continue getting money in there to while taking care of niggas in there.

They walk out looking at the gate close behind them. They soak in the sun and sounds passing cars and all.

"Man where your sister at?"

Black looks down the road confused

"She will be here just chill"

Few minutes later a black SUV rides up. The driver rolls the window down telling them to get in he was sent from Sassy.

The driver takes them to get hair cuts,new clothes just anything they need to look nice for the night.

Once they are done the driver takes them to the welcome home party. The building is packed when they walk in everybody cheers. The banner says Happy birthday Blue and Welcome home Black.

A short high yella girl that takes Karlos breath away runs and jumps on Black kissing his cheeks while smiling ear to ear.

She gets down looking at Karlo that can't keep his eyes off the beautiful tatted up queen in front of him.

"I'm Sassy nice to finally meet you Karlo"

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