I'm self-conscious,
Who isn't?
Being myself is hard.
What if they don't like me?
What if they think I'm strange?
What if they don't want to be around me?
I've spent a long time in the shadows,
I've cried alone
In dark corners of my bleeding heart.
I've lost friends because of my honesty.
My feelings didn't suit them.
They thought I was selfish,
That my pain was stupid
And fake.
They thought I was a lie;
That I was different than who they really knew.
The truth is that they didn't know me.
They didn't know what pain I had felt,
What tears I had cried.
They thought I was manipulative,
And left me, once more, crying alone in the dark,
Bullet holes through my heart.
Was being me a bad thing?
I used to be forgiving,
I used to let things go.
But now I realize,
Why should I let them hurt me?
Why should I push aside my own feelings
To keep a reputation of compassion?
I had been digging my own grave
Until I was encased in pain.
I dug my way out,
Blood, sweat, and tears.
I washed my face,
I changed my clothes,
I changed my heart.
I came back.
I was welcomed by embraces and love,
With smiling, friendly faces.
One person was missing;
The person who nearly broke me,
Shattered me,
And almost blew away the remaining ash that had once been my strength.
I spent too long in the dark;
I could have tried harder to find the light.
It wasn't me,
It wasn't who I was,
Only the idea of who I thought I was.
I regret not being me,
I regret not saying what I should have said.
I try to let go,
I try to forget.
But still,
The tugs and twists of a broken heart,
The sharp pricks of memory
Still pull me back.
I want to give in,
I want to go back.
It would surely be easier than fighting,
Than being strong.
But I won't go back,
I won't.
So, please –
Forgive my guilt.
A Girl in a Forgetful World
PoetryThis is a collection of all the poetry I have written. Some sadness, some happiness, and a concotion of both. Poetry is my way to vent and let my emotions flow freely. Thanks for checking it out, and I really hope you enjoy what you find! And please...