Dear Self

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Dear Self,

Please be nicer.

Look in the mirror

And tell yourself

You are beautiful.

You are strong.

You are loved.

You are brave.

Dear Self,

Love everyone.

Love yourself,

Love the others surrounding you,

Love the people you hate.

You don't know what they're going through.

Dear Self,

Do what you love.

Listen to heavy metal on the bus,

Play beautifully chorded songs on the piano,

Talk as much as you want.

Dear Self,

Don't let your past kill you.

Don't let your pain overcome you.

Learn from it.

Learn how to be strong,

Learn how to help others

That are going through what you did.

Dear Self,

Live life to the fullest.

You know,

More than anyone else,

What every emotion you have felt feels like.

You know what it is to be alone...

And someone else out there does too.

Find them.

Dear Self,

Dust off your shoes,

Dust off your smile,

Dust off your laugh,

And go live.

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