Save Me

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The darkness surrounds

As I turn out the light to go to bed.

I crawl under the blankets,

But it still feels cold.

I grab another blanket...

It doesn't help.

I flick the lamp on,

And watch it light up the empty corner.

It stings my sight, 

Making cold, wet tears jut 

From the corners of my hazel eyes.

Can someone save me,

Save me from the darkness?

Can someone be my lamp?

Can someone please make me cry?

Cry tears of joy

Because I have finally found love?

Save me,

I call into the dark,

Knowing no one will hear.

I have made my bed,

Piled with blanket upon blanket upon blanket

Until I feel the sweat on my brow,

But no heat warms my heart.

Save me,

I scream in my mind

As I smile and wave

And laugh. 

Save me,

I say to myself in the mirror

As I put on the mask

Before leaving for the day.

Save me, 

I say to the walls of my bedroom

That have seen my cry so many times

But never say a word.

They can't...

And neither can I. 


Someone out there,

Please come and save me,

Save me from my pain.

Someone save me from having to keep secrets,

Someone save me from having to hide me. 


Someone please!

Come save me

Before it's too late. 

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