I Will Fight

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The ocean waves
Are crashing on the shore.
The hurricane is nearing,
Its imminet destruction
Preparing to make landfall.
I will fight.

The darkness is creeping in,
Suffocating the light
Until it is cast to oblivion.

The sadness is overwhelming
As it envelops the heart,
Mind, and soul.

The stress is panicking itself,
As the racing hearts
And clenched fists
Meet with the mind
To overthink every situation
And conversation.

The world is terrifying...
But I will fight,
And I will win.

I will swim through the dark waves,
Blinded by the sadness and anxiety,
But motivated with the fact that
There is another side,
Illuminated with sunshine.

I will fight until I get there.

Depression will not remain my only mood.

Anxiety is what I feel, not who I am.

Traumatic events will eventually become a distant memory.

The worst has passed,
And I have overcome it all.
I can climb more mountains,
And highly dangerous ones,
And I will come out on top,
Planting my flag of victory.

I will not let my hardships become me.

I will not let people use me.

I will be brave,
And loving.

I will stand up for myself.

I will be optimistic.

I will be happy.

I will emulate pure light.

I will fight...
And I will win.

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