Beautifully Out of Place

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Her hair was shorter than most,

A different color too.

She woke up too late in the morning

To care about her make up.

She wore the same type

Of skinny jeans every day,

With matching black Toms.

She tried to jazz it up a bit,

With different, brightly colored tones.

She didn't care what other people thought,

She didn't care how other people walked.

She did everything her own way...

Until one day.

One day, she didn't want to stay.

She wanted to leave a world where

She had no friends,

No one who cared how her day went...

And so she did.

With one last handwritten page,

She wrote about how she felt out of place.

She felt that no one really liked her,

No one saw her how she actually was.

Little did she know

That everyone thought she was

Beautifully out of place...

Yet no one said a word.

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