Does your mind ever wander,
Wander back to me?
Does it ever look back on the memories,
The secret moments,
Just you and me...
Does your mind ever wander
Back to our mistakes?
The mistakes that ruined our lives?
Does your mind ever wander
To me crying in front of you
While you turned your cheek?
You told me it hurt to know I cried
Because of you.
Does it still hurt you now?
Does your mind ever wander
To the imaginary world
We wish we could live in?
Does your mind ever wander
And think of the crazy things we could be doing
Right now
Instead of ignoring each other's texts?
Does your mind ever wander
To the days when we were happy,
Love birds?
Does your mind ever wander
To both of us
Feeling like we were walking a jello?
Does your mind ever wander
Into our old messages,
Your eyes scanning,
Looking back on old times?
The good old times...
Does your mind ever wander
To a far off,
Wonderful place?
A place where we are together again...
A place where we can forget?
Does your mind ever wander
Into a dark forest,
Hoping to escape our world?
Hoping to forget anything happened?
It hurts to think that maybe you might...
And that there's nothing I can do about it.
In bored moments,
Does your mind ever wander
Back to the day we first met?
It seemed like nothing,
But now it's everything.
Does your mind ever wander
Into the deep playlist in your brain?
We both know our song.
We both know how it made us feel.
We used to listen to love songs
On the way to school,
But we kept it secret.
Now we listen to words of heartbreak...
Do the sad songs remind you of me?
Does your mind ever wander
Into lost and broken thoughts,
Thinking about what could have been?
Because I know mine does.
A Girl in a Forgetful World
PoetryThis is a collection of all the poetry I have written. Some sadness, some happiness, and a concotion of both. Poetry is my way to vent and let my emotions flow freely. Thanks for checking it out, and I really hope you enjoy what you find! And please...