I pretend to be the girl everyone wants
And everyone loves.
I pretend to be happy
While the storm clouds gather
Above my head.
I pretend to hold myself together,
I pretend to be in control
While really
I'm trying not to crash into a tree.
I pretend that I am not broken,
That I am not bruised,
But this thing inside me -
The thing I don't want to be -
Keeps coming out
And I can't cage it up anymore.
I pretend -
I carefully craft my masks,
Layer upon layer
Upon layer
So no one can break through easily.
I pretend,
But now...
It's not working
And my pretending can go on no more.
A Girl in a Forgetful World
PoetryThis is a collection of all the poetry I have written. Some sadness, some happiness, and a concotion of both. Poetry is my way to vent and let my emotions flow freely. Thanks for checking it out, and I really hope you enjoy what you find! And please...