Forgetting Us

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For you, 

It was so easy to leave us.


You left us for a boy...

And then you broke up.

Another boy.

Another break up.

The cycle keeps continuing. 

You keep leaving us

And you keep forgetting us.

You think we're just pretending

That this is a real problem,

A real strain on our friendship.

No, no,

Of course,

You're the real victim here.

It's not like we're hurting or anything, too.

I remember you would get mad at me

For not telling you everything.

You'd ask me personal things,

And I'd decline to answer.

Then you'd get mad.

You were always mad at me for something,

It seems.

Honesty was your kryptonite,

You always flinched when someone

Told you how they really felt.

You'd start crying.

You'd run away,

You'd forget about us.

You'd forget that fact that we have feelings, too.

Things make us uncomfortable,

And if we tell you so,

Respect it.

If you don't...


We might not respect you right back. 

But in your mind,

How could anyone be hurt by you?

You always listen,

You always care.

You were always the victim in the story.

You're so blind and ignorant, aren't you?

Why do you think no one trusted you?

When we did,

You always forgot.

You'd change the subject

To the newest boy 

You managed to snag.

I always knew he'd be regretting it later,

Just like all of them did.

You were a monster to them,

And now,

To us.

When you and I first stopped talking, 

A Girl in a Forgetful WorldWhere stories live. Discover now