I'm so happy
That she's found new friends
Who will only leave her
Just like we did.
I'm so happy
He's found a new group
Of "friends" to sit with at lunch
Since we aren't good enough.
I'm so happy
He's found two new girlfriends.
I'm so happy they've all dumped
His sorry ass.
I just wish he would stop
Being whiney
And grow a pair.
I'm so happy
That they all are supposedly moving on
In their lives.
I can't wait to see them
Crawl back,
Realizing they miss and need
Don't take your friends -
Or girlfriends-
For granted.
They might not always forgive you.
Good for you,
I want to say to them
And show them a "peace" signal
With my middle finger.
Good for you,
You're all "happier".
It's funny...
Those don't look like
Genuine smiles.
Good for her,
For leaving her friends
For a boy.
Good for her,
For getting a new boy after that one, too.
She's just all over the place.
Good for her,
For calling us fake bitches
Behind our backs.
Good for her,
For saying I am a horrible friend.
Good for her,
For calling my best friend
A whore.
It takes one to know one.
Good for him,
For dating so many other girls,
And yet saying he still loves
And misses
And wants me.
Good for him,
For not even doing
Literally two simple things
And I'll forgive him.
That's all it'll take.
Good for him,
For being an arrogant idiot.
Good for all of them,
For saying they're moving on
Over us.
Good for all of them,
For being total and complete sluts.
Good for all of them,
For missing out
On what could be
An awesome year
With great memories
And dirty inside jokes.
Good for them,
For leaving
When these next four months
Just might be my last.
Good for them,
For leaving us for actual
Fake bitches.
I'm not wrong.
In fact,
I'm being proved right
By every mangled relationship they ruin.
I guess they should have listened to me.
An actual friend.
Good for you,
For leaving people
Who genuinely care about you
And remember your problems.
Good for you,
For leaving your girl,
Your one in a million girl,
For another one in a million girl.
How did that work out for you?
Good for us.
Good for us,
For still living our best lives
And being there for each other.
Good for us,
For getting rid of the weeds
To make room for more beautiful flowers.
Good for us,
For staying strong
And not caving in
To the pleas of forgiveness
And the impact of realizing that,
To someone we thought was a good friend,
Decided a boy was more important.
Good for us,
For staying our amazing,
Beautiful selves.
But good for you,
For missing out on us.
A Girl in a Forgetful World
PoetryThis is a collection of all the poetry I have written. Some sadness, some happiness, and a concotion of both. Poetry is my way to vent and let my emotions flow freely. Thanks for checking it out, and I really hope you enjoy what you find! And please...