Part 1: More

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(Pretend that Colin isn't here)

I was sitting on my one and only chair while doctor swine heart left. I got up and walked to the kitchen. I shrugged to fix my shoulder. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed a beer " So... how do you um... feel?" Snow asked leaning to the side of the kitchen doorway " Like shit!" I responded angrily. " I'm glad your not dead" I turned around to face Snow, walking up to me with a small smile. I quickly looked down and placed my arm close to my chest, touching my arm " You, uh, stopped breathing you know... when you passed out or.... or died... I guess" Snow said looking down to my arm and touching my arm gently, I open my eyes wider. " Is she hitting on me?" I thought " It... uh.... It kinda scared the hell out of me" she said. After she said that my heart skipped a beat, " I've never seen you like that." She said as I took my hand off my arm and looked straight to a corner. "And when Swineheart arrived... You know him, he's never worried, and even he thought you were..." She said " Snow...I'd never leave you." I said with a smile "I'd never leave you too Bigby" My eyes opened, my heart kept skipping after each sentence Snow just said. We were inches away, Snow started to blush and looked down trying to break the eye contact "Argh!" "What's wrong!" Snow said. "My chest hurts like hell!" I said "Oh, uh, I'll help you get to the seat." Snow said worried about me. I covered my mouth to hide a small smirk "She fell straight into my trap!" I thought as I leaned onto Snow, helping me to the seat. I sat down and grunted " Can I do something?" Snow asked, "Oh this is getting too easy!" I thought "Yeah, can you put ointment on my chest?" I asked. ( XD) Snow hesitated for a moment " Snow?!" I said taking her out of her world "O-o-o-ointment o-okay..." She said nervously, she got up and grabbed the ointment. As I took off my bandages she looked at me for a moment like she couldn't believe it. I tapped on my lap. Snow looked at me with a confused face. "Sit on my lap" I said with a smirk on my face, " A-are you sure?" She asked "Just sit on my lap or you can sit on the floor?" I requested she picked to sit on my lap. " Oh fuck yes!" I thought while she sat on my lap she putted some ointment on her hands.

Snow's P.O.V.

I putted some ointment on my hands I felt my face on fire! " Oh gosh please Bigby you don't see me blushing!" I thought to myself I started to rub the ointment on his chest I heard a sexy grunt come out from Bigby's mouth I felt my heart beat harder and faster "are-are you okay?" I asked him " I felt more than great" he responded I looked down while rubbing his chest with ointment " Oh no! now It looks like I'm looking at his zipper you idiot!" I shouted in my head I had no option but to look at his chest I couldn't control myself I did more than just rub. I felt his muscly chest and I moved lower to his abs feeling them. I got a loud sexy moan out of his mouth I bit my lips and thinking of dirty thoughts like putting him in my mouth I shook my head lightly and moved back to his chest.

Bigby's P.O.V.

She kept bitting her red soft lips, I move my hands lower to her hips and squeezed them. Snow bit her lip even harder she put her hands on my cheek and came forward fast giving me a hungrily kiss. I bit the bottom of her lips until it bled. I forced my tongue into her mouth discovering her whole entire mouth our tongues met and I felt her shiver. She kissed me even harder I let her search through my mouth we separated to catch our breaths. I looked down to her cleavage and she knew what I was looking at so she unbuttoned her khaki top and took it off. I started to unbutton her shirt and threw it to the floor revealing her bra. I leaned onto her and started to leave love marks, she kept moaning for more. I smirked while licking and kissing her neck I lowered down to her collar bone then to her cleavage. I tugged on her bra to signal her to undo it "Bigby...-I looked up to her- be gentle with me please?"

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