Lisette meets with Mina

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Lisette:*a portal opens in her room, and she comes out, breathing heavily,covered with scars*
If l......ever see that kid......again.....l-l will......*feels so weak then knocks out*

Lisette:Ughhh!*rubs her head, trying to get up*
*looks around and sees nothing but a grey place, with dark shadows*

Lisette:Ughhh!*rubs her head, trying to get up**looks around and sees nothing but a grey place, with dark shadows*

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Where......where am l...?
*blinks*Am l dead?
Wait....I can't be dead!
I am a demon! And immortal!All these aside, l am the

???:Princess of Hell.....

Lisette:Yeah! wait.....*quickly turns around*who said that?!


Lisette:Who are you?! SHOW YOURSELF!

Mina:*walks out of the darkness,stopping in front of her*Greetings,Miss.Lisette*bows*

Lisette:*stares her before yelling*AN ANGEL!!!S-STAY AWAY!!! I AM WARNING YOU!!!!*tries to summon a sword but fails, feeling a pain in her head*Ugghh!!

Mina:Please, calm down your highness. . .l am not an angel!

Lisette:*looks up at her*You are not...?

Mina:No! I am Mina! And l am a demon guardian.

Lisette:*raises a brow*You don't really look like a demon....

Mina:*sighs*yes.....a lot of demons have told me that before. . .

Lisette:*clears throat*So.....Mina......mind telling me where in Hell am I?!

Mina:*smiles*You are in the nightmare realm your highness!

Lisette:*blinks*So.....l am really dead!?

Mina:*giggles*You are not dead your majesty!

Lisette:Is this good or bad news?

Mina:Of course it is the good news princess!

Lisette:*mocks*Of course it is the good news princess!
Ugh!*walks away*

Mina:huh...? Where are you going. . .?

Lisette:You are annoying!I will find a way to get out of here!

Mina:But l didn't even tell you! I am your demon guar

[Suddenly, lights appears from nowhere,interrupting her]

Lisette:*finds herself lying on the floor in her room*Gaah....
*gets up*Alright. . .ow!*rubs her head* What was that all about....?
*walks out of the room*....Ugh....maybe l should take some—

Mina:Hello again princess!

Lisette:*startles*AAH!*turns around and sees her*What the-?! What is wrong with you?!

Mina:Well....nothing. . .l am just doing my job...

Lisette:Your what?

Mina:My job! As a demon guardian, l have been chosen to protect you and fight by your side no matter what!

Lisette:...........HELL NO!!!!
I don't need a babysitter!

Mina:I wouldn't call it a 'babysitter'—

Lisette:And l don't think l asked your opinion!
Now, can you please go back to wherever you have been before and leave me alone so l can summon that useless so called demon guardian of mines and ask him to give me something to kill this damn pain!

Mina:Oh! You mean Bill Cipher? The demon that made a deal with you?Well, you won't be needing him anymore.I will be am replacing him and he has been sent to Gravity Falls. least l got rid of him!
But now.....*sighs*l have another trouble. . .

Mina:Oh! I-I know a way to kill your migraine!

Lisette:I was talking about yo—

Mina:You have wasted too much energy of yours.Demons might be powerful but we still need some energy and power to stay alive.Especially you.Since you are still learning your powers, you must be more careful.I have read about some ways to help you on that headache of yours.But you must take a good rest and don't take a risk like how you did back there with your nephew and—

Lisette:Whoa whoa whoa! Hold on there! How do you know about all these stuffs?! The giant ball l made....that nephew of mines......were you stalking me?!

Mina:Before l met with you in your nightmare realm, l studied everything about you including your family. . .


Mina:Not at all.....I did what l was told. . .
And l am sorry for saying this but whether you like it or not, l am your demon guardian. . .

Lisette: .    .    .

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